Bref aperçu historique, juridique et moral sur la gestion des mammifères marins Author Scovazzi T. Monograph Les hommes et l'environnement Date 1998 Source IUCN (ID: ANA-062193) Publisher | Place of publication Éditions Frison-Roche | Paris, France ISBN 2-87671-281-4 Pages 671 - 683; 13 p. Document type Chapter in monography Language French Field of application International Subject Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Wild fauna Management/conservation Marine mammals Other references Treaty International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling Treaty | Multilateral | Washington D.C. | Dec 2, 1946 Keyword: Seasons, Marine resources management, Institution, Marine fisheries, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Management/conservation, Hunting authorization/permit, Hunting/capture, Data collection/reporting, Protected animal species, Size, Marine mammals Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000074)