Urban Waste Water Treatment (Amendment) Regulations, 2004 (S.I. No. 440 of 2004). Country/Territory Ireland Document type Regulation Date 2004 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Water Keyword Pollution control Freshwater pollution Water conservation zone Effluent waste water/discharge Monitoring Basin/catchment/watershed Inland waters Geographical area Atlantic Ocean Islands, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Atlantic, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Abstract These Regulations amend the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 by: (a) the deletion of sub-article 4(4)(b); (b) the deletion of Part 2 of the Second Schedule thereto and the substitution therefor a new Part; and (c) the insertion into Part 2 of the Third Schedule new estuaries. Part 2 of the Second Schedule prescribes requirements, in the form of parameters, for discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants to sensitive areas. Full text English Website www.irishstatutebook.ie References - Legislation Amends Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 254 of 2001). Legislation | Ireland | 2001 Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Water conservation zone, Effluent waste water/discharge, Monitoring, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters Source: FAO, FAOLEX