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The Soil Conservation Act (No. 155 of 2018).

Document type
Land & soil, Wild species & ecosystems
Basic legislation Soil conservation/soil improvement Soil pollution/quality Soil rehabilitation Sustainable use Liability/compensation Hazards Governance Policy/planning Biodiversity Ecosystem preservation
Geographical area
Arctic, Atlantic Ocean Islands, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, North Atlantic, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe

The objective of this Act is to protect, restore, and enhance the natural resources of the nation inherent in vegetation and soil, and to ensure sustainable land use. To promote the protection and sustainable use of land, the Act pursues the following objectives: 1. Land use should take into account its condition and contribute to the resilience and functionality of ecosystems; 2. Halting soil and vegetation degradation; 3. Avoiding disturbances to vegetation and soil; 4. Anyone causing disturbances to vegetation and soil should compensate for the damage; 5. Land use should safeguard biological diversity and the energy and nutrient reserves, as well as essential soil properties for ecosystem function; 6. Increasing public and stakeholders' participation in policies and actions related to vegetation and soil conservation; 7. Enhancing awareness of the importance of soil and vegetation and sustainable land use; and 8. Implementing systematic monitoring of vegetation, soil, and land use. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the country's ecosystem, the Act pursues the following objectives: 1. To rebuild and restore disturbed ecosystems and their biodiversity; 2. To increase the resilience of ecosystems against natural shocks and natural hazards; 3. To increase carbon sequestration by restoring ecosystems; and 4. To mobilize the public and stakeholders to participate in the restoration and development of ecosystems. The competent authority shall issue a soil conservation plan for up to ten years at intervals not less than every five years. The soil conservation plan shall outline the future vision and government policy on soil conservation, taking into account the objectives of this Act.

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References - Legislation


Act no. 99 on the production, pricing and sale of agricultural products.

Legislation | Iceland | 1993 (2003)

Keyword: Agricultural commodities, Fiscal and market measures, Food quality control/food safety, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Institution, Internal trade, International trade, Milk/dairy products, Meat, Poultry products, Animal production, Plant production, Planting material/seeds, Fertilizers/nutrients


Act No. 70 on Climate Change.

Legislation | Iceland | 2012 (2022)

Keyword: Emissions, Framework law, Climate change, Air quality/air pollution, Certification, Data collection/reporting, Monitoring, Special fund, Access-to-information, Emissions trading, Pollution control, Sustainable development, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Risk assessment/management, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Local government, Institution, Governance, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Offences/penalties, Transport/storage


Act No. 88 on the organization of ocean and coastal areas.

Legislation | Iceland | 2018

Keyword: Coastal zone management, Policy/planning, Sustainable development, Public participation, Marine area, Maritime zone, EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, Territorial sea, Protected area, Governance


Act No. 55 on environmental responsibility.

Legislation | Iceland | 2012 (2018)

Keyword: Polluter pays principle, Liability/compensation, Environmental fees/charges, Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution, Marine pollution, Resource/damage valuation


Nature Conservation Act (No. 60 of 2013).

Legislation | Iceland | 2013

Keyword: Protection of environment, Local government, Monitoring, Precautionary principle, Zoning, Basic legislation, Ecosystem preservation, Protection of habitats, Biodiversity, Protected area, National parks, Tourism


Water Management Act (No. 36 of 2011).

Legislation | Iceland | 2011 (2019)

Keyword: Surface water, Groundwater, Potable water, Freshwater pollution, Freshwater resources management, Pollution control, Management/conservation, Ecosystem preservation


Land Act (No. 81 of 2004).

Legislation | Iceland | 2004

Keyword: Basic legislation, Land tenure, Agricultural land, Private land, Public land, Waste disposal, Property rights, Cadastre/land registration, Land consolidation, Transfer, Ownership


Chemicals Act (No. 61 of 2013).

Legislation | Iceland | 2013 (2019)

Keyword: Emissions, Ozone layer, Protection of environment, Pollution control, Food quality control/food safety, Toxicity/poisoning, Pesticides, Basic legislation, Hazardous substances, Risk assessment/management, Public health, Internal trade, International trade, Transport/storage, Disinfection/disinfestation, Waste management, Waste disposal, Governance, Processing/handling, Use restrictions, Packaging/labelling, Data collection/reporting, Authorization/permit, Recycling/reuse, Inspection, Oil, Enforcement/compliance, Royalties/fees, Offences/penalties