Regulation on the method of assessing the risk of environmental damage and further conditions of financial security. Country/Territory Czechia Document type Regulation Date 2011 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Collection of Laws No. 295/2011 Subject Environment gen. Keyword Risk assessment/management Hazards Early warning system EIA Financing Hazardous substances Precautionary principle Geographical area Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes This Regulation enters into force on 1 January 2012. Abstract This Government Regulation, which is composed of seven articles and four Annexes, lays down the method of assessment of the risks of environmental damage, assessment criteria for sufficient financial security and detailed conditions of financial security to undertake preventive measures and corrective measures. The competent operator prepares a documented risk assessment of environmental damage for the extent relating to the probability of the given damage and its potential impacts to the environment. Risk assessment of environmental damage should be done separately for each place of business. The present Regulation establishes also obligations for operators registered in EMAS and for operators dealing with harmful substances or hazardous substances. Full text Czech Website References - Legislation Implements Act no. 167/2008 on the prevention of ecological damage. Legislation | Czechia | 2008 (2019) Keyword: Basic legislation, Liability/compensation, Polluter pays principle, Protection of habitats, Data collection/reporting, Soil pollution/quality, Freshwater pollution, Groundwater, Surface water, Pollution control, Ecosystem preservation, Wild fauna, Wild flora Source: FAO, FAOLEX