Regulation No 43 of 20 April 2006 on procedures for keeping the fishing logbook. Country/Territory Bulgaria Document type Regulation Date 2006 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Fisheries Keyword Inland fisheries Marine fisheries Data collection/reporting Certification Procedural matters Registration Traceability/product tracing Geographical area Black Sea, Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes This Regulation enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. Abstract This Regulation here establishes the procedure for keeping and updating of the fishing logbook, and compilation and transmission of the declaration of origin to be performed by economic operators in fishing sector, here for both sea and inland fisheries (Danube basin). Full text Bulgarian Website References - Legislation Implements Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture Legislation | Bulgaria | 2001 (2018) Keyword: Framework law, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Aquaculture, Mariculture, Marine fisheries, Aquatic animals, Fishery management and conservation, Foreign fishing, Freshwater fishes, Inland fisheries, Inspection, Offences/penalties, Non-commercial fishing, Processing/handling, Transport/storage Source: FAO, FAOLEX