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Regional Act No. 14 implementing Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 May 1999 on the protection of water against pollution, amending Regional Act No. 46 of 21 September 1993 as well as Regional Act No. 23 of 29 July 1998, and laying down other provisions.

Territorial subdivision
Document type
Pollution control Freshwater pollution Effluent waste water/discharge Policy/planning Authorization/permit Access-to-information Basin/catchment/watershed Inland waters
Geographical area
Alps, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Mediterranean, Southern Europe
Entry into force notes
The Regional Act enters into force on the day of its publication on the Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione ( 27 July 2000 ).

This Regional Act consists of 19 articles implementing Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999, amending Regional Act No. 46 of 1993 as well as Regional Act No. 23 of 1998. Article 1 provides for the establishment of a documentary centre intended for the collection of data concerning the characteristics of basins and for the elaboration, management and dissemination of said data, in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999. The Regional Agency for the protection of the environment is in charge of the approval of the water protection plan referred to in article 44 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999. Following the approval of the plan, the regional authority shall elaborate a programme concerning the environmental quality objectives, the protection measures to be undertaken, the priorities and costs of special interventions. Article 3 concerns the authorization to discharges that may be issued by the local authorities. The Region shall disseminate the information regarding water quality and submit to the National Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ANPA) all the particulars concerning the enforcement of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999. Article 8 concerns the financial resources to be allocated by the Region in order to enable the elaboration of the waste disposal regional plan. Article 10 concerns the financial support to fishery and aquaculture enterprises.

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References - Legislation


Legislative Decree No. 152 concerning the protection of waters against pollution and implementing Directive 91/271 concerning urban wastewater treatment and Directive 91/676 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, integrated and amended by Legislative Decree No. 258 on the protection of waters against pollution.

Legislation | Italy | 1999 (2000)

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge



Regional Act No. 23 on the protection of wild fauna and hunting in Sardinia Region.

Legislation | Italy | 1998

Keyword: Management/conservation, Ecosystem preservation, Protection of habitats, Hunting/capture, Wild fauna, Hunting authorization/permit, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Inspection, Birds, Protected area, Institution, Policy/planning, Reptiles, Offences/penalties, Protection of species