Plant Waste Ordinance (PflAbfVO). Country/Territory Germany Territorial subdivision Schleswig-Holstein Document type Regulation Date 2021 Source FAO, FAOLEX Long titleDisposal of plant waste outside waste disposal facilities. Subject Cultivated plants, Waste & hazardous substances Keyword Vegetables/legumes Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Authorization/permit Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes Hazardous waste Offences/penalties Waste disposal Waste management Organic waste Geographical area Alps, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Western Europe Entry into force notes This Ordinance comes into force on 11 June 2021. Abstract This Ordinance provides for the conditions under which the burning of the vegetable waste outside waste disposal facilities and by the producer or owner is possible. Vegetable waste may be incinerated on the property on which it has been generated outside waste disposal plants for the purpose of disposal. Further, vegetable waste of woody plants (fertiles) generated in commercial horticultural companies may be incinerated on the property on which they have been produced outside waste disposal plants. The Ordinance contains 5 Articles as follow: Scope of application (1); Admission in individual cases, notification obligation (2); General approval (3); Administrative offences (4); and Transfer of the ordinance authorisation (5). The text has one attachment with regard to plant waste from plants or plant part with harmful organisms. Full text German Website References - Legislation Implements Law to promote the circular economy and ensure environmentally friendly waste management (Circular Economy Act - KrWG). Legislation | Germany | 2012 (2023) Keyword: Basic legislation, Pollution control, Waste disposal, Waste domestic sources, Waste management, Waste non-domestic sources, Waste prevention, Recycling/reuse, Liability/compensation, Access-to-information, Policy/planning, Inspection, Sustainable use, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX