Legislation |
United Kingdom
Fishery management and conservation, Marine fisheries, Inland fisheries, Enforcement/compliance, Coastal zone management, Land-use planning, Basic legislation, Policy/planning, Maritime zone, Territorial sea, EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, Sovereignty, Marine area, Marine protected areas, Protected area
Source: FAO,
Legislation |
United Kingdom
Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Governance, Policy/planning, Pollution control, Standards, Protection of environment, Framework law, Environmental audit, EIA, Monitoring, Data collection/reporting, Research, Forest management/forest conservation, Forestry protection measures, Protection forest, Risk assessment/management, Organic waste, Packaging/labelling, Polluter pays principle, Transport/storage, Transboundary movement of waste, Waste management, Waste prevention, Subsidy/incentive, Drainage/land reclamation, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water quality standards, Freshwater resources management, Water shortage/drought, Priorities, Freshwater pollution, Water abstraction, Basic legislation, Ecosystem preservation, Biodiversity, Endangered species, Protected area, Protection of habitats, Protection of species, Traceability/product tracing
Source: FAO,