Pesticides Act 1962. Country/Territory Netherlands Document type Legislation Date 1962 (2005) Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Staatsblad No. 462, 18 February 2003, 26 pp. Subject Cultivated plants Keyword Pesticides Basic legislation Authorization/permit Geographical area Benelux, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Atlantic, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Western Europe Abstract "Pesticides" in this Act includes plant protection substances and pesticides not used for agricultural purposes. The Act also regulates the placing on the market and use of "active substances". "Active substances" are micro-organisms, including viruses, which can act as plant protection substance or other pesticide. Articles 1A to 9A provide for the admitting on the market of pesticides. Act No. 689 of 1998 amends the principal Act by making provision for a Commission for the admission of pesticides (arts. 1(a)-(m). Decisions concerning admittance are made by the Commission (art. 4). Articles 10 to 16(a) provide for restrictions on the use of and prohibit certain actions in relation to admitted pesticides. Article 3 formulates detailed conditions for admitting pesticides on the market. Admittance shall be valid for a maximum period of 10 years. The Act refers to Community legislation. (56 articles) Full text Dutch Website References - Legislation Implemented by Decree No. 485 of 2004 containing rules relative to the principles of good plant protection practices and the integrated control with the use of plant protection substances. Legislation | Netherlands | 2004 Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides, Biological control agents, Integrated pest management-IPM/pest management strategies, Policy/planning, Data collection/reporting Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 22 of 1993 relative to the regulation of soil desinfection substances. Legislation | Netherlands | 1993 Keyword: Pesticides, Authorization/permit, Soil pollution/quality Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 77 of 1995 concerning harmonization of several Ministerial Decrees with provisions of the amended Pesticides Act 1962. Legislation | Netherlands | 1995 Keyword: Pesticides Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 37 of 1995 containing rules as referred to in article 3(a), first paragraph, of the Pesticides Act 1962 (Decree Environment Criteria for Admitting Pesticides). Legislation | Netherlands | 1995 Keyword: Pesticides, Authorization/permit, Groundwater, Freshwater pollution, Pollution control Source: FAO, FAOLEX Commodities Act Regulation on Pesticide Residues. Legislation | Netherlands | 1984 (2015) Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Residues, MRL-maximum residue limit, Standards, Fish products, Pesticides Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree relative to residues. Legislation | Netherlands | 1964 (2005) Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Residues Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 499 of 1998 relative to ecological requirements for the admittance of substances other than agricultural pesticides. Legislation | Netherlands | 1998 Keyword: Pesticides, Authorization/permit, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 102 of 1995 concerning modification of directives relative to admission of plant protection products. Legislation | Netherlands | 1995 Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 241 of 1995 containing uniform principles on plant protection substances. Legislation | Netherlands | 1995 Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides, Soil pollution/quality, Standards Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 503 of 1999 relative to other tasks of the Comission for the Admission of Pesticides. Legislation | Netherlands | 1999 Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides, Institution Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amended by Act No. 461 of 2002 to amend the Pesticides Act, 1962 (Implementation Biocides Directive). Legislation | Netherlands | 2002 Keyword: Pesticides, Authorization/permit Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. 68 of 2001 to amend the Pesticides Act, 1962. Legislation | Netherlands | 2001 Keyword: Pesticides, Authorization/permit Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 164 of 2005 to amend the Commodities Act, the Pesticides Act 1962, the Animal Drugs Act and the Act Economic Offences in relation with adjustment to EC Regulation No. 178/2002. Legislation | Netherlands | 2004 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Institution Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by Act No. 125 containing rules relative to the admission, placing on the market and use of plant protection products and biocide products (Act Plant Protection Products and Biocide Products). Legislation | Netherlands | 2007 (2022) Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides, Fertilizers/nutrients, Certification, Biological control agents, Internal trade, International trade, Offences/penalties, Plant production Source: FAO, FAOLEX