Order No. 1452 on notification and documentation of removal of land/soil. Country/Territory Denmark Document type Regulation Date 2015 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Land & soil Keyword Soil rehabilitation Soil pollution/quality Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Data collection/reporting Classification/declassification Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Entry into force notes 31 December 2015. Abstract The Order establishes regulations of review and documentation for the removal and transfer of land in adherence with municipal rules on notification of waste. It includes the excavation of soil which is contaminated as well as soil located away from predefined areas, such as public highways and designated properties. The excavation and transfer of soil that cannot wait prior reviews, may immediatelly be moved to temporary location in a container or a similar temporary location shielded from the environment in the municipality where it has been excavated. In order to certify and notify these activities, the soil must undergo sampling in adherence to provisions of Annex 1, as well as undergo analysis for contaminants in adherence to provisions of Annex 2. Thereafter, the soil shall be classified according to guidelines in Annex 3. Full text Danish Website www.retsinformation.dk References - Legislation Implements Environment Protection Act (LBK No. 5 of 2023). Legislation | Denmark | 1991 (2023) Keyword: Basic legislation, Protection of environment, Pollution control, Protection of habitats, Environmental standards, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Data collection/reporting, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Standards, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Waste management, Waste disposal, Waste prevention, Hazardous substances, Business/industry/corporations, Surface water, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Sustainable use, Groundwater, Water supply Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act on Contaminated Soil (No. 895 of 2015). Legislation | Denmark | 2009 (2015) Keyword: Pollution control, Waste prevention, Policy/planning, Emissions, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Soil rehabilitation, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repeals Order No. 1479 on notification and documentation of removal of land/soil. Legislation | Denmark | 2007 Keyword: Soil rehabilitation, Soil pollution/quality, Land-use planning, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Urban land, Inspection, Data collection/reporting Source: FAO, FAOLEX