Ochre Act (No. 934 of 2009). Country/Territory Denmark Document type Legislation Date 2009 (2014) Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Land & soil, Water, Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Soil pollution/quality Soil conservation/soil improvement Drainage/land reclamation Waterworks Inland waters Subsidy/incentive Protection of habitats Genetic resources Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Entry into force notes This Act enters into force on 1 October 2009. Abstract This Act sets regulations on the prevention of ocher genes in streams, lakes or sea. These actions include ditching and drainage in defined areas which are subject to prior approval from the Minister of Environment. Grants may be given for certain projects involving ditching and draining activities. Full text Danish Website www.retsinformation.dk References - Legislation Implements Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds. Legislation | European Union | 1979 (2003) Keyword: Birds, Hunting/capture, Endangered species, Management/conservation, Protection of habitats, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora Legislation | European Union | 1992 (2013) Keyword: Ecosystem preservation, Protected area, Biodiversity, Protection of habitats, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Data collection/reporting, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Implemented by Order No. 973 on delegation of tasks and responsibilities to Nature Agency. Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 231 on quality requirements for environmental measurements. Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Authorization/permit, Inspection, Air quality/air pollution, Biological control agents, Groundwater, Hazardous substances, Inland waters, Monitoring, Pollution control, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Certification, Standards, Protection of environment, Surface water, Protected area, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 1311 on quality requirements for environmental measurements. Legislation | Denmark | 2015 Keyword: Inspection, Air quality/air pollution, Biological control agents, Environmental standards, Certification, Pollution control, Environmental audit, Standards, Protection of environment, Monitoring, Hazardous substances, Waste disposal, Waste management, Surface water, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX