Ministerial Decree concerning the exceptions to quality characteristics of waters for human consumption which may be authorized by the Puglia Region. Country/Territory Italy Document type Regulation Date 2004 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 222, 21 September 2004. Subject Food & nutrition, Water Keyword Food quality control/food safety Potable water Standards Pollution control Water quality standards Freshwater pollution Geographical area Alps, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Mediterranean, Southern Europe Abstract The Puglia Region is authorized by the present Decree to establish particular exemptions to the parameters applicable to waters for human consumption fixed in Annex I, part B of Legislative Decree No. 31 of 2001. Such exemptions, however, may not exceed the limit values specified in article 1 hereto. Food processing undertakings shall not benefit from the exemptions. Full text Italian Website References - Legislation Amends Legislative Decree No. 31 implementing Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption. Legislation | Italy | 2001 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Potable water, Standards, Access-to-information, Offences/penalties, Pollution control, Water quality standards, Freshwater pollution, Water supply Source: FAO, FAOLEX