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Ley Nº 21/2013 - Ley de Evaluación Ambiental.

Document type
2013 (2018)
Original source
Boletín Oficial del Estado Nº 296, 11 de diciembre de 2013.
Environment gen., Sea, Water
EIA Inspection Ecosystem preservation Pollution control Environmental audit Environmental standards Waste management Waste disposal Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Authorization/permit Offences/penalties Marine pollution Soil pollution/quality Soil rehabilitation Protection of habitats Energy conservation/energy production Mining Monitoring Fertilizers/nutrients Hazardous substances Hazardous waste Liability/compensation Basic legislation Standards Protection of environment Freshwater resources management Sustainable development
Geographical area
Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Mediterranean, North Atlantic, North-East Atlantic, Southern Europe

La presente Ley de Evaluación Ambiental, establece las bases que deben regir la evaluación ambiental de los planes, programas y proyectos que puedan tener efectos significativos sobre el medio ambiente, garantizando en todo el territorio del Estado un elevado nivel de protección ambiental, con el fin de promover un desarrollo sostenible, mediante: a) la integración de los aspectos medioambientales en la elaboración y en la adopción, aprobación o autorización de los planes, programas y proyectos; b) el análisis y la selección de las alternativas que resulten ambientalmente viables; c) el establecimiento de las medidas que permitan prevenir, corregir y, en su caso, compensar los efectos adversos sobre el medio ambiente; d) el establecimiento de las medidas de vigilancia, seguimiento y sanción necesarias para cumplir con las finalidades de esta ley.

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References - Legislation


Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Legislation | European Union | 2011 (2014)

Keyword: EIA, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Cultural heritage


Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment.

Legislation | European Union | 2001

Keyword: EIA, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Cultural heritage



Ley Nº 42/2007 - Ley del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad.

Legislation | Spain | 2007 (2018)

Keyword: Water quality standards, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution, Coastal zone management, Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Environmental standards, Pollution control, Ecosystem preservation, Standards, Protection of environment, Basic legislation, Wild flora, Biodiversity, Protected area, Management/conservation, Institution, Registration, Classification/declassification, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Offences/penalties, Protection of habitats, National parks, Fishing authorization, Access and benefit-sharing, Protection of species, Authorization/permit


Ley Nº 11/2005 - Modifica la Ley Nº 10/2001, Ley del Plan Hidrológico Nacional.

Legislation | Spain | 2005

Keyword: Water supply, Irrigation, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water abstraction, Wetlands, Pollution control, Water conservation zone, Water quality standards, Waste disposal, Waterworks, Environmental standards, Basin/catchment/watershed, Freshwater pollution, Inland waters, Standards, Protection of environment


Ley Nº 10/2001 - Ley del Plan Hidrológico Nacional. Texto consolidado.

Legislation | Spain | 2001 (2015)

Keyword: Basic legislation, Freshwater resources management, Institution, Water supply, Irrigation, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water abstraction, Wetlands, Pollution control, Water conservation zone, Water quality standards, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2001 - Ley de Aguas. Texto refundido.

Legislation | Spain | 2001 (2022)

Keyword: Framework law, Freshwater resources management, Groundwater, Water rights, Institution, River basin institution, Policy/planning, Servitude, Concession, Water users' associations, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water abstraction, EIA, Wetlands, Waterworks, Water charges, Water supply, Environmental standards, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Standards, Protection of environment



Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2008 - Ley de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de proyectos. Texto refundido.

Legislation | Spain | 2006 (2008)

Keyword: EIA, Inspection, Ecosystem preservation, Pollution control, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Waste management, Waste disposal, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Authorization/permit, Offences/penalties, Marine pollution, Soil pollution/quality, Soil rehabilitation, Protection of habitats, Energy conservation/energy production, Mining, Monitoring, Fertilizers/nutrients, Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Standards, Protection of environment


Ley Nº 9/2006 - Evaluación de los efectos de determinados planes y programas en el medio ambiente.

Legislation | Spain | 2006

Keyword: EIA, Inspection, Ecosystem preservation, Pollution control, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Waste management, Waste disposal, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Standards, Protection of environment


Real Decreto Nº 1.131/1988 - Reglamento para la ejecución del Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1.302/1986, Evaluación del impacto ambiental.

Legislation | Spain | 1988

Keyword: EIA, Inspection, Ecosystem preservation, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Energy conservation/energy production, Oil pollution, Mining, Institution, Offences/penalties, Standards, Protection of environment, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Pollution control


Implemented by

Ley Nº 12/2016 - Ley de evaluación ambiental de las Illes Balears.

Legislation | Spain | 2016

Keyword: Sustainable development, Institution, EIA, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Waste management, Waste prevention, Monitoring, Environmental planning, Polluter pays principle, Access-to-information, Community management, Local government, Basic legislation, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment


Resolución de 16 de noviembre de 2015 - Plan Estatal Marco de Gestión de Residuos (PEMAR) 2016-2022.

Legislation | Spain | 2015

Keyword: Waste management, Waste prevention, Waste disposal, Environmental audit, Environmental planning, Policy/planning


Resolución de 12 de diciembre de 2016 - Declaración ambiental estratégica de la Estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático de la costa española.

Legislation | Spain | 2016

Keyword: Environmental audit, EIA, Certification, Climate change, Coastal zone management, Risk assessment/management


Resolución de 8 de octubre de 2015 - Declaración ambiental estratégica del Programa Operativo del Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca 2014-2020.

Legislation | Spain | 2015

Keyword: Policy/planning, Special fund, Subsidy/incentive, Aquaculture, Marine fisheries


Resolución de 8 de octubre de 2015 - Declaración ambiental estratégica del Plan Estatal de Residuos.

Legislation | Spain | 2015

Keyword: Waste management, Waste prevention, Waste disposal, Environmental audit, Environmental planning, Policy/planning


Amended by

Ley Nº 9/2018 - Modifica la Ley Nº 21/2013, Ley de Evaluación Ambiental, y parcialmente otras disposiciones.

Legislation | Spain | 2018

Keyword: EIA, Inspection, Ecosystem preservation, Pollution control, Environmental audit, Environmental standards, Waste management, Waste disposal, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Authorization/permit, Marine pollution, Soil pollution/quality, Soil rehabilitation, Protection of habitats, Energy conservation/energy production, Mining, Monitoring, Fertilizers/nutrients, Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Liability/compensation, Standards, Protection of environment, Freshwater resources management, Sustainable development, Freshwater pollution