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Legislative Decree No. 152 concerning the protection of waters against pollution and implementing Directive 91/271 concerning urban wastewater treatment and Directive 91/676 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, integrated and amended by Legislative Decree No. 258 on the protection of waters against pollution.

Document type
1999 (2000)
Original source
Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, No. 246, Ordinary Supplement No. 172, 20 October 2000, pp. 3-118.
Pollution control Freshwater pollution Effluent waste water/discharge
Geographical area
Alps, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Mediterranean, Southern Europe

The objective of this Legislative Decree is to protect surface, marine and undergroundwaters from pollution. For this purpose water pollution shall be prevented, polluted water bodies shall be treated in order to improve water quality and water intended for specific uses shall be protected. Priority should be given to drinking water. The Decree sets out the minimum environmental requirement to be fulfilled in order to preserve water quality. Further specific norms are set for the protection of special areas, for the preservation of water bodies, for waste discharge and authorization requirements and are set out rules for the protection of surface and undergroundwaters for human consumption. In addition, the Decree contains detailed rules for waste discharge and for the discharge of dangerous substance. Annex I is on the monitoring and classification of waters having regard to the environmental quality objectives, Annex II regards the criteria for the classification of water bodies, Annex III is on river basins, Annex IV on plans for water protection, Annex V on waste water discharge, Annex VI on the criteria for the individuation of sensible areas and Annex VII on areas sensible to nitrates. (63 Articles and 7 Annexes)

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References - Legislation


Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment.

Legislation | European Union | 1991

Keyword: Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Waste domestic sources, Waste non-domestic sources, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Legislation | European Union | 1991 (2008)

Keyword: Soil pollution/quality, Fertilizers/nutrients, Protection of environment, Farming, Agricultural development, Organic waste, Waste prevention, Waste management, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution


Act No. 36 on Water Resources, 1994 (Galli).

Legislation | Italy | 1994

Keyword: Framework law, Basic legislation, Freshwater resources management, Water supply, Sewerage, Water abstraction, Priorities, Institution, Non-governmental entity, Effluent waste water/discharge, Water charges, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution



Legislative Decree No. 132 on the protection of groundwaters from pollution caused by certain hazardous substances.

Legislation | Italy | 1992

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Groundwater, Hazardous substances, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste disposal, Authorization/permit, Water quality standards, Monitoring, Liability/compensation, Polluter pays principle, Transboundary effects, Offences/penalties


Law No. 319 of 10 May 1976. Standards for the Protection of Water from Pollution.

Legislation | Italy | 1976

Keyword: Marine pollution, Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Marine area, Authorization/permit, Coastal zone management, Inspection, Offences/penalties, Freshwater pollution


Legislative Decree No. 133 implementing Directives No. 76/464/CEE, 82/176/CEE, 83/513/CEE, 84/156/CEE, 84/491/CEE, 88/347/CEE and 90/415/CEE on the discharges of certain dangerous substances in the water.

Legislation | Italy | 1992

Keyword: Marine pollution, Pollution control, Soil pollution/quality, Hazardous substances, Authorization/permit, Offences/penalties, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution


Implemented by

Decree laying down general rules and technical criteria for the agronomical use of effluents from farming activities, as per article 38 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2006

Keyword: Effluent waste water/discharge, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution


Decree of the President of the Province No. 9 making provision to implement at the provincial level the national rules in matter of protection of the environment against pollution, as per article 55 of Provincial Act No. 1 of 19 February 2002.

Legislation | Italy | 2002

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Authorization/permit, Effluent waste water/discharge, Institution, Waterworks, Freshwater pollution


Ministerial Decree No. 185 laying down technical standards on wastewater recycling in compliance with article 26, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 May 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2003

Keyword: Soil conservation/soil improvement, Effluent waste water/discharge, Recycling/reuse, Waste domestic sources, Waste non-domestic sources, Monitoring, Waste management, Transport/storage, Water quality standards, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Groundwater


Regional Act No. 61 laying down provisions to implement Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 may 1999 in matter of protection of waters.

Legislation | Italy | 2000

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Freshwater resources management, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste domestic sources


Regional Act No. 60 setting out the authorization regime for waste water and water discharge.

Legislation | Italy | 2001

Keyword: Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste domestic sources, Sewerage, Authorization/permit, Freshwater pollution


Regional Act No. 14 implementing Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 May 1999 on the protection of water against pollution, amending Regional Act No. 46 of 21 September 1993 as well as Regional Act No. 23 of 29 July 1998, and laying down other provisions.

Legislation | Italy | 2000

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Policy/planning, Authorization/permit, Access-to-information, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Regional Act No. 12 implementing Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999 as regards minimal water flows.

Legislation | Italy | 2006

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution


Ministerial Decree No. 367 on the establishment of quality standards applicable to hazardous substances existing in the aquatic environment, as per article 3, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2003

Keyword: Marine pollution, Pollution control, Hazardous substances, Water quality standards, Surface water, Freshwater pollution


Agreement among the Central Government, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano: Guidelines for the protection of the quality of water destined to human consumption and general criteria for defining special areas to safeguard water resources as per article 21 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 May 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2002

Keyword: Sub-national agreement, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Groundwater, Potable water, Water conservation zone


Regional Act No. 64 making provision in matter of water discharges and laying down amendments to Regional Act No. 88 of 1 December 1998.

Legislation | Italy | 2001

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Authorization/permit, Offences/penalties


Decree regulating the information system related to water quality conditions, as per article 3, paragraph 7 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 11 May 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2002

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Access-to-information, Data collection/reporting


Regional Act No. 6 on authorization to domestic water discharges and laying down amendments to Regional Act No. 22 of 30 April 1996 (Exploration, use and protection of groundwater).

Legislation | Italy | 2003

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste domestic sources, Authorization/permit, Groundwater, Classification/declassification, Offences/penalties


Amended by

Ministerial Decree No. 391 amending the criterium relative to the classification of lakes as per Annex 1, table 11, point 3.3.3 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of 1999.

Legislation | Italy | 2003

Keyword: Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Classification/declassification, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters