Legislation |
Abandoned land/unoccupied land, Agricultural development, Agricultural land, Biodiversity, Crops/grasses, Farming, Land clearing, Drainage/land reclamation, Land-use planning, Irrigation, Energy conservation/energy production, Nuclear energy, Oil, Climate change, Coastal zone management, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, EIA, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Protection of environment, Public health, Transboundary effects, Protected area, Policy/planning, Standards, Aquaculture, Fish products, Milk/dairy products, Meat, Slaughtering, Sugar, Vegetables/legumes, Viticulture/oenological practices, Afforestation/reforestation, Protection of species, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Forest management/forest conservation, Animal production, Groundwater, Sewerage, Surface water, Thermal and medicinal waters, Waste disposal, Water abstraction, Freshwater resources management, Waterworks, Ecosystem preservation, Protection of habitats, Wild fauna, Wild flora
Source: FAO,