Latvian Administrative Violations Code (1984) Country/Territory Latvia Document type Legislation Date 1984 (2010) Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 51, 20.12.1984. Subject Agricultural & rural development, Livestock, Air & atmosphere, Energy, Environment gen., Food & nutrition, Fisheries, Forestry, Land & soil, Mineral resources, Cultivated plants, Sea, Water, Wild species & ecosystems, Waste & hazardous substances, General Keyword Offences/penalties Procedural matters Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Governance Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Northern Europe Abstract The task of administrative violations legislation is to protect public order, property, socio-economic, political and personal rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the rights and legal interests of merchants, institutions and organisations, the specified management procedures, State and public order, to strengthen legality, to prevent right violations, to educate citizens in a spirit of precise and strict observance of laws, to inculcate a full of respect attitude in them towards the rights of other citizens, honour and self-esteem towards the provisions of social life, upright attitude towards the duties thereof and liability to the public. Full text English/Latvian Website References - Legislation Implements Directive 2005/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties for infringements. Legislation | European Union | 2005 Keyword: Marine pollution, Pollution control, Offences/penalties, Maritime zone, EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, High seas, Territorial sea, Oil pollution, Freshwater pollution, Navigation, Liability/compensation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Directive 2001/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 95/21/EC concerning the enforcement, in respect of shipping using Community ports and sailing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Member States, of international standards for ship safety, pollution prevention and shipboard living and working conditions (port State control). Legislation | European Union | 2001 Keyword: Marine pollution, Pollution control, Maritime zone, Harbour, Inspection, Data collection/reporting, Enforcement/compliance, Offences/penalties Source: FAO, FAOLEX