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Government Decree No. 373 validating the Regulation on the National Register of emissions and pollutants.

Moldova, Republic of
Document type
Air & atmosphere, Environment gen., Land & soil, Water, Waste & hazardous substances
Hazardous substances Emissions Pollution control Public participation Data collection/reporting Access-to-information Registration Waste management Freshwater pollution Effluent waste water/discharge
Geographical area
CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, Landlocked Developing Nations
Entry into force notes
This Government Decree enters into force one month after the date of its official publication.

Automated Information System "National Register of emissions and pollutants"(AIS PRVP) is a systematized register of data on emissions of pollutants into the air, water, soil and diffused sources, as well as on the transfer of waste and pollutants from waste water outside area, which must be allotted to the operators engaged in one or more of the activities specified in Annex 1. The scope of the "National Register of emissions and pollutants" shall be creation of an information resource, covering information on pollution of the environment, emission of pollutants air, water, soil and from diffuse sources, transfer of waste and pollutants, in order to facilitate access thereto by responsible persons, government agencies, economic agents and the general public. The main tasks of the "National Register of emissions and pollutants" shall be as follows: (a) promoting public participation in the decision-making process in the field of environmental protection; (b) improving the recording of pollutant emissions and transfers at national and local levels; (c) identification of the main sources of emissions and transfer of pollutants; (d) monitoring of trends in pollutant emissions; (e) integration and harmonization of reporting requirements in accordance with the Protocol "PRVP"; (f) simplification of the process of reporting by the operators on emissions and transfer of pollutants; (g) providing responsible persons with the necessary information on emissions and transfer of pollutants; (h) assistance in fulfilling international obligations; and (i) assistance in the prevention and reduction of environmental pollution.

Full text

References - Legislation


Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC.

Legislation | European Union | 2006

Keyword: Access-to-information, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Pollution control, Hazardous substances, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution