Fruit and Vegetable Producer Associations Ordinance. Country/Territory Austria Document type Regulation Date 2008 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, Part II, No. 444, 3 December 2008, 6pp. Long titleOrdinance by the Federal Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Resources on producer associations of fruit and vegetables and merger of producer associations. Subject Food & nutrition Keyword Vegetables/legumes Fruits/edible nuts Food quality control/food safety Internal trade International trade Certification Inspection Non-governmental entity Subsidy/incentive Cooperative/producer organization Geographical area Alps, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Western Europe Abstract The present Oridnance implements the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products of 22 October 2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1580/2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No. 2200/96, (EC) No. 2201/96 and (EC) No. 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector of 31 December 2007. Article 2 names AMA (“Agrarmarkt Austria”) as responsible for the execution of the present Ordinance. To be allowed to operate, fruits and vegetables producer associations must submit an application to the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Resources. The details of such an application are set out in article 3. Once authorized, they must submit a yearly report to the Minister on their activity. The following articles deal with minimum size of producers associations, minimum duration of membership, provisional acceptance of such associations, duty to report, Funds, change of operational programs, payments of allowances, final provisions. The Ordinance – consisting of 18 articles – deals with the following matters: sphere of application, competent authorities, recognition of producer associations, minimal size of producers associations, membership of non-producers, recognition of mergers of producer associations, operational programmes, direct marketing on behalf of producers, management of financial crisis, duty to register and final provisions. Full text German Website References - Legislation Implements Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation). Legislation | European Union | 2007 Keyword: Agricultural commodities, Cereals/grains/rice, Oils/oilseeds/fats, Sugar, Fruits/edible nuts, Vegetables/legumes, Viticulture/oenological practices, Meat, Milk/dairy products, Poultry products, Apiculture/sericulture, Sheep/goats, Swine, Internal trade, International trade, Subsidy/incentive, Food security, Non-governmental entity, Business/industry/corporations, Animal production, Textile plants/fibres, Tobacco, Floriculture, Crops/grasses Source: FAO, FAOLEX Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1580/2007 laying down implementing rules of Council Regulations (EC) No. 2200/96, (EC) No. 2201/96 and (EC) No. 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetable sector. Legislation | European Union | 2007 Keyword: Vegetables/legumes, Fruits/edible nuts, Food quality control/food safety, Internal trade, International trade, Certification, Inspection, Non-governmental entity, Subsidy/incentive Source: FAO, FAOLEX