Fish Husbandry Act 1982. Country/Territory Bulgaria Document type Legislation Date 1982 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Fisheries Keyword Basic legislation Marine fisheries Inland fisheries Fishery management and conservation Stock enhancement/repopulation Non-commercial fishing Aquaculture Institution Cooperative/producer organization Access right Policy/planning Alien species Marine pollution Offences/penalties Waterworks Geographical area Black Sea, Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Abstract The Act regulates the organization, planning and management of fish husbandry (fisheries and aquaculture) and provides for the conservation and enhancement of aquatic species and their habitats and ecosystems (art. 1). Waters for fish husbandry are divided into industrial fishing, sports fishing and fish-breeding waters (art. 3). Article 7 specifies that the development and management of fish husbandry are pursued by "expanding and consolidating the state-public principle". For example, article 12 states that all fish breeding activities are to be carried out by state-owned, cooperative and public organizations. An inter-agency planning and advisory body is created (art. 13). Article 18 assigns responsibilities vis a vis research and the introduction of new species. Article 26 prohibits activities which could harm fish species, such as discharging polluted water, building facilities which block the free running of water, etc. Article 28 prohibits fishing in reserves, the use of explosive or poisonous devices and the fishing of threatened species, among others. Fish husbandry is controlled by the Ministry of Forests and Forest Industry and the National Agro-Industrial Union (art. 30). Any fish caught by professional or amateur fishermen exceeding the amount established by regulation shall be sold "for the needs of the public economy" (art. 33). The remainder of the Act deals with offences and penalties, and final provisions. Full text English Website References - Legislation Implemented by Executive Order No. I-275 establishing the fishing regime in the Country's waters. Legislation | Bulgaria | 1995 Keyword: Marine fisheries, Inland fisheries, Non-commercial fishing, Size, Standards, Seasons, Fishing gear/fishing method, Internal trade, International trade, Data collection/reporting, Protected fishing area, Fishing authorization, Fishery management and conservation, Authorization/permit Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regulation on amounts of compensation for harms caused to the fishing industry (Adopted by Decree No. 202 of 1994). Legislation | Bulgaria | 1994 Keyword: Marine fisheries, Inland fisheries, Size, Offences/penalties, Fishery management and conservation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture Legislation | Bulgaria | 2001 (2018) Keyword: Framework law, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Aquaculture, Mariculture, Marine fisheries, Aquatic animals, Fishery management and conservation, Foreign fishing, Freshwater fishes, Inland fisheries, Inspection, Offences/penalties, Non-commercial fishing, Processing/handling, Transport/storage Source: FAO, FAOLEX