European Communities (Control of Infectious Animal Diseases) Regulations, 1994. Country/Territory Ireland Document type Regulation Date 1994 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Livestock Keyword Animal health Pests/diseases Inspection Disinfection/disinfestation Data collection/reporting Quarantine Marking/identification Geographical area Atlantic Ocean Islands, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Atlantic, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Abstract These Regulations lay down control measures in the case of an outbreak of one of the diseases listed in regulation 2 thereof. Regulation 3 introduces restrictions on premises on which disease is suspected. A place may be declared infected under regulation 4. Regulation 5 provides for slaughter of animals and destruction of semen and embryos on premises where disease exists. Regulation 8 gives powers to any authorised officer to mark any animal, carcass, semen, embryo or article or direct persons to mark if the officer considers it necessary to so do. Regulation 9 provides for cleansing and disinfecting of premises, whereas regulation 10 provides for declaration of infected area. Regulation 14 outlines measures for eradication of insecs. The Minister may where he believes that it is necessary for the prevention or eradication of disease require, by a notice in writing served on the owner or person in charge of an animal within such period and under such conditions as may be specified in the notice, that person to vaccinate or have vaccinated the animal against disease with a vaccine approved for the purpose by the Minister (reg. 15). (21 regulations completed by 2 Schedules) Full text English Website References - Legislation Implements Diseases of Animals Act, 1966 (No. 6 of 1966). Legislation | Ireland | 1966 Keyword: Animal welfare, Pests/diseases, Inspection, Cattle, Registration, Quarantine, Animal health Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 92/119/EEC introducing general Community measures for the control of certain animal diseases and specific measures relating to swine vesicular disease. Legislation | European Union | 1992 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Meat, Inspection, Animal health, Pests/diseases, Quarantine, Transport/storage Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amended by European Communities (Control of Infectious Animal Diseases) Regulations, 1995. Legislation | Ireland | 1995 Keyword: Animal health, Pests/diseases, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Source: FAO, FAOLEX European Communities (Control of Infectious Diseases) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002 (S.I. No. 125 of 2002). Legislation | Ireland | 2002 Keyword: Animal health, Pests/diseases Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by European Communities (Diseases of Animals) (Revocations) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 175 of 2008). Legislation | Ireland | 2008 Keyword: Animal health, Pests/diseases, Data collection/reporting, Apiculture/sericulture, Animal production Source: FAO, FAOLEX