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Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Council Directive 93/12/EEC

European Union
Document type
Original source
Official Journal L 350, 28 December 1998, pp. 58-68
Air & atmosphere, Energy
Pollution control Air quality/air pollution Emissions Monitoring Environmental standards Standards Protection of environment Bioenergy Biofuel Renewable energy
Geographical area
European Union Countries

This Directive lays down technical specifications on health and environmental grounds for fuels to be used for vehicles equipped with positive-ignition and compression-ignition engines. Member States shall prohibit the marketing of leaded petrol within their territory not later than 1 January 2003. Moreover, Member States shall ensure that diesel fuel can be marketed within their terrotory solely if it complies with the environmental specifications set out in Annex II. Article 5 lays down the free circulation clause on the basis of which Member States shall not prohibit, restrict nor prevent the marketing of fuels complying with the requirements of this Directive. However, by way of derogation from that provision, Member States may require that in specific areas fuels can be marketed only if they fulfill more stringent environmental specifications with a view to protecting public health or the environment in a specific ecological sensitive area, in case atmospheric pollution constitutes or might constitute a serious problem for human health or the environment (art. 6). Article 8 concerns monitoring and reporting.

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References - Legislation

Implemented by

Act on the air.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2010

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Basic legislation, Emissions, Enforcement/compliance, Offences/penalties, Pollution control


Law on Pollution (2001)

Legislation | Latvia | 2001 (2018)

Keyword: Framework law, Basic legislation, Public health, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Risk assessment/management, Enforcement/compliance, Pollution control, Emissions, Air quality/air pollution, Soil pollution/quality, Water quality standards, Freshwater pollution, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Waste prevention, Registration, Inspection, Noise pollution, Climate change, Emissions trading, Authorization/permit, Radiation, Marine pollution, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment


Act on monitoring and controlling the quality of fuels.

Legislation | Poland | 2006

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Offences/penalties, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Order No. 366 on the quality of gasoline, diesel and gas oil for motor vehicle use.

Legislation | Denmark | 2011

Keyword: Inspection, Energy conservation/energy production, Internal trade, Oil, Natural gas, Oil pollution, Pollution control, Emissions, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Decree establishing requirements for the quality of fuels and keeping registration on fuels.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2004

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Biofuel, Natural gas, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Regulation on physico-chemical properties of liquid fuels.

Legislation | Slovenia | 2006

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Motor Fuel (Composition and Content) and Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 3035 of 2010).

Legislation | United Kingdom | 2010

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Pollution control, Navigation, Inspection


Biofuels (Sustainability Criteria) Regulations, 2010 (L.N. 553 of 2010).

Legislation | Malta | 2010

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Biofuel (Labelling) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 3277 of 2009).

Legislation | United Kingdom | 2009

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Renewable energy


Decree laying down requirements for fuel quality and maintaining operational records on fuel.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2010

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Act amending the Act on carbon dioxide taxation on certain energy products, Act on Energy petroleum products, Act on taxation on electricity, Act on taxation fees for piped water and Law on Registration of motor vehicles (No. 1391 of 2004).

Legislation | Denmark | 2004

Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Tax/levy, Internal trade, Water supply


Commission Implementing Decision 2014/6/EU on recognition of the ‘HVO Renewable Diesel Scheme for Verification of Compliance with the RED sustainability criteria for biofuels’ for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 98/70/EC and 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2014

Keyword: Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Regulation on monitoring of physical and chemical properties of liquid fuels.

Legislation | Slovenia | 2011

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Pollution control, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Decree on the sustainability criteria for biofuels and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions.

Legislation | Slovenia | 2012

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Decree on the physical and chemical properties of liquid fuels.

Legislation | Slovenia | 2011

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Commission Implementing Decision 2012/210/EU on recognition of the ‘Ensus voluntary scheme under RED for Ensus bioethanol production’ for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 2009/28/EC and 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2012

Keyword: Bioenergy, Biofuel


Decree laying down requirements for fuel quality and maintaining operational records on fuel.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2014

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1433 on recognition of the ‘Biomass Biofuels Sustainability voluntary scheme’ for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 98/70/EC and 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2016

Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


European Union (Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Calculation Methods and Reporting Requirements) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 160 of 2017).

Legislation | Ireland | 2017

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Ozone layer, Hazardous substances, Emissions, Data collection/reporting, Pollution control, Biofuel, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1854 on recognition of the ‘Better Biomass’ voluntary scheme for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 98/70/EC and 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2018

Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Law no. 106 of 2022 providing for specifications, sustainability criteria and reduction of fuel emissions.

Legislation | Cyprus | 2022

Keyword: Agricultural commodities, Agricultural development, Crops/grasses, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Pollution control, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Coal, Energy conservation/energy production, Natural gas, Oil, Renewable energy, Framework law, Biosafety, Climate change, Ecofriendly products/ecofriendly processes, Offences/penalties, Protection of environment, Public health, Residues, Solid waste, Sustainable development, Waste domestic sources, Waste management, Waste non-domestic sources, Aquaculture, Afforestation/reforestation, Forest management/forest conservation, Collecting/harvesting, Protected area, Protection forest, Risk assessment/management, Sustainable use, Land-use planning, Right of use, Soil pollution/quality, Soil rehabilitation, EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, Harbour, Institution, Marine area, Marine pollution, Territorial sea, Maritime zone, Freshwater resources management, Ecosystem preservation, Endangered species, Protection of species, Wetlands


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1175 of 9 July 2019 on recognition of the ‘Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil RED’ voluntary scheme for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 98/70/EC and 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2019

Keyword: Renewable energy, Bioenergy, Biofuel


Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1993 on recognition of the ‘Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops’ for demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria under Directives 98/70/EC and 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2019

Keyword: Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Decree on fuel quality.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2023

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Monitoring, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Data collection/reporting


Decree establishing information submitted to the European Commission and requirements for the development of national emission inventories.

Legislation | Slovakia | 2023

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Hazardous substances, Data collection/reporting, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Atmospheric Air Protection Act (2016).

Legislation | Estonia | 2016 (2023)

Keyword: Air quality/air pollution, Pollution control, Hazardous substances, Ozone layer, Climate change, Emissions, Governance, Liability/compensation, Basic legislation, Enforcement/compliance, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment


Amended by

Commission Directive 2014/77/EU amending Annexes I and II of Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels.

Legislation | European Union | 2014

Keyword: Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Directive 2009/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 98/70/EC as regards the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and amending Council Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the specification of fuel used by inland waterway vessels and repealing Directive 93/12/EEC.

Legislation | European Union | 2009

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Ozone layer, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy


Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

Legislation | European Union | 2015

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Bioenergy, Biofuel, Renewable energy