Decree on veterinary requirements for bee breeding and hives and on measures to prevent and control certain bee diseases. Country/Territory Czechia Document type Regulation Date 2018 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Collection of Laws No. 18/2018 Subject Livestock Keyword Animal health Pests/diseases Apiculture/sericulture Animal production Geographical area Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes This Decree enters into force on 22 February 2018. Abstract This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down: (a) health requirements for bees and hives, and disease prevention; (b) the limit of increased mortality rate of hives breeders of which are obliged to report these deaths to the regional veterinary administration; (c) conditions for the issue of health certificate for transfer of hives; (d) measures to prevent the spread of certain dangerous bee diseases; (e) details on record keeping of the beehive; (f) the procedure for reimbursement of costs resulting from the implementation of emergency veterinary measures ordered to control certain dangerous diseases. Full text Czech Website References - Legislation Implements Veterinary Act No. 166/1999. Legislation | Czechia | 1999 (2018) Keyword: Basic legislation, Institution, Quarantine, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Vaccination, Animal welfare, Fish disease, Aquaculture, Animal health, Food quality control/food safety, Pests/diseases Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by Decree on veterinary requirements for beekeeping and bee colonies and on measures to prevent and control certain bee diseases. Legislation | Czechia | 2023 Keyword: Animal health, Pests/diseases, Apiculture/sericulture, Animal production Source: FAO, FAOLEX