Decree on identification and fixing of ecological damage to soil. Country/Territory Czechia Document type Regulation Date 2009 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Collection of Laws 17/2009 Subject Land & soil Keyword Data collection/reporting Hazardous substances Pollution control Soil conservation/soil improvement Soil pollution/quality Geographical area Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes This Decree enters into force on 1 February 2009. Abstract This Decree of the Ministry of Environment, which is composed of seven articles and one Annex, lays down methods of preparation of risk analysis, method of evaluation of the appropriateness and feasibility of fixing measures, determination of the aim of fixing measures and method of proving achievements of the aim, including method of comparison of alternative procedures of reduction or elimination of risks to human health, and way to assess these risks from direct or indirect introduction of substances, preparations, organisms or micro-organism to the Earth's surface or below it. Full text Czech Website References - Legislation Implements Act no. 167/2008 on the prevention of ecological damage. Legislation | Czechia | 2008 (2019) Keyword: Basic legislation, Liability/compensation, Polluter pays principle, Protection of habitats, Data collection/reporting, Soil pollution/quality, Freshwater pollution, Groundwater, Surface water, Pollution control, Ecosystem preservation, Wild fauna, Wild flora Source: FAO, FAOLEX