Decree No. 261 of the Cabinet of Ministers regulating some issues plastic waste management. Country/Territory Belarus Document type Regulation Date 2003 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Waste & hazardous substances Keyword Waste non-domestic sources Waste management Recycling/reuse Packaging/labelling Geographical area CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia Abstract The Council of Ministers, for the purpose of reduction of negative environmental impact, decrees as follows: 1) plastic packages used by legal persons and individual entrepreneurs are the sources of plastic waste having negative environmental impact; 2) legal persons and individual entrepreneurs manufacturing or trading plastic packages must carry out the arrangements for the reduction of negative environmental impact based upon the reduction standards set for the amount of plastic waste subject to collection (procurement) and recycling; 3) the aforesaid legal persons and individual entrepreneurs must make payments for the organization of plastic waste recycling and create the proper system of collection (procurement) and recycling of plastic waste. The present Regulation shall not be applicable to infant food and pharmaceutical products with plastic packages. Full text Russian Website References - Legislation Implemented by Decree No. 12 on collection and recycling of plastic waste. Legislation | Belarus | 2003 (2003) Keyword: Waste non-domestic sources, Waste management, Recycling/reuse, Packaging/labelling, Registration, Standards Source: FAO, FAOLEX