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Council Directive 93/120/EC amending Directive 90/539/EEC on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs.

European Union
Document type
Original source
Official Journal L 340, 31 December 1993, pp. 35-38.
Food & nutrition, Livestock
Poultry products Hygiene/sanitary procedures Internal trade International trade Food quality control/food safety Animal health Poultry Birds Vaccination
Geographical area
European Union Countries
Entry into force notes
This Directive entered into force on 20 January 1994.

This Directive lays down some amendments to Directive 90/539/EEC relating to animal health conditions as regards intra-Community trade as well as imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs. Hereinafter, the definitions of "day-old chicks" and "flock" contained in article 1 (1) of this Directive shall apply and shall replace those laid down in Directive 90/539/EC. Article 5, concerning the conditions to be fulfilled by hatching eggs and breeding poultry for the purposes of trade within the Community, shall be replaced by article 1 (5) hereto. Article 10a shall be added. In accordance with such new provision, at the time of consignment, poultry over 72 hours old intended for restocking supplies of wild game must have come from a holding: (a) where it has been held since hatching or for more than 21 days and where it has not been placed in contact with newly-arrived poultry during the two weeks preceding consignment; (b) which is not the subject of any animal health restrictions applicable to poultry; (c) where the health examination carried out by the official veterinarian or authorized veterinarian during the 48 hours preceding dispatch on the flock from which the consignment is to be drawn has not revealed within that flock any clinical sign or suspicion of contagious poultry disease; (d) which is not located in an area which for animal health reasons is subject to prohibition in accordance with Community legislation as a result of an outbreak of disease to which poultry is susceptible.

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References - Legislation


Council Directive 90/539/EEC on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs.

Legislation | European Union | 1990

Keyword: Poultry products, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Internal trade, International trade, Food quality control/food safety, Animal health, Poultry, Birds, Vaccination


Implemented by

Act amending the Veterinary Act.

Legislation | Czechia | 2006

Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Internal trade, International trade, Inspection, Processing/handling, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Animal health, Animal feed/feedstuffs


Presidential Decree No. 129 amending P.D. No. 211/1992 in compliance with Council Directives 93/120/EEC, 91/494/EEC and 92/65/EEC.

Legislation | Greece | 1998

Keyword: Animal health, Poultry, Birds, Vaccination, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Internal trade, International trade, Transport/storage


Real Decreto Nº 361/1995 - Modifica el Real Decreto Nº 1.317/1992, sobre las condiciones de sanidad animal aplicables a los intercambios intracomunitarios y las importaciones de aves de corral y de huevos para incubar procedentes de países terceros.

Legislation | Spain | 1995

Keyword: Animal health, Poultry, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Pests/diseases


Act to amend the Egg Products Hygiene Act (No. 1565 of 1994).

Legislation | Finland | 1994

Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Poultry products, Milk/dairy products, International trade


Règlement grand-ducal relatif aux conditions de police sanitaire régissant les échanges intracommunautaires et les importations en provenance des pays tiers de volailles et d'oeufs à couver.

Legislation | Luxembourg | 1994

Keyword: Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Poultry products, International trade, Standards, Food quality control/food safety


Decree No. 221 implementing Council Directive 93/120/EC amending Directive 90/539/EEC on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs.

Legislation | Italy | 1998

Keyword: Poultry products, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Internal trade, International trade, Food quality control/food safety, Animal health, Poultry, Birds, Vaccination


European Communities (Live Poultry and Hatching Eggs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1995 (S.I. No. 45 of 1995).

Legislation | Ireland | 1995

Keyword: Poultry products, International trade, Animal health, Poultry, Animal reproduction


Decree-Law No. 141/98 approving EC Council Directive No. 93/120 regulating poultry production and trade within EC countries.

Legislation | Portugal | 1998

Keyword: Poultry products, International trade, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Slaughtering, Food quality control/food safety, Poultry


Arrêté du 16 janvier 1995 relatif aux conditions de police sanitaire régissant les échanges intracommunautaires de volailles et d'oeufs à couver.

Legislation | France | 1995

Keyword: Poultry, Animal health, Certification, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, International trade, Pests/diseases, Vaccination