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Council Directive 74/409/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to honey.

European Union
Document type
Original source
Official Journal L 221, 12 August 1974, pp. 10-14.
Food & nutrition
Apiculture/sericulture Food quality control/food safety Packaging/labelling Internal trade
Geographical area
European Union Countries
Entry into force notes
This Directive entered into force on 1 September 1974.

This Directive has been adopted with a view to harmonizing national provisions relating to honey. Since an uniform definition of the term "honey" is necessary to make provision for the different varieties which may be marketed under appropriate names, to fix the general specific criteria for its composition, and to lay down the main information which is to appear on labels, article 1(1) establishes that, for the purposes of this Directive, "honey" shall mean the foodstuff which is produced by the honey-bee from the nectar of blossoms or secretions of or on living parts of plants, and which the bees collect, transform, combine with specific substances of their own and store and leave to mature in honey combs. This foodstuff may be fluid, viscous or crystallized. Further, article 1(2) specifies the main types of honeys according to origin blossom honey or mode of presentation. Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that honey may be offered for sale only if it conforms to the definitions and rules laid down in this Directive and in the Annex thereto. In particular, no products other than honey may be added to honey offered for sale as such. When placed on the market, honey must comply with the compositional criteria established in the Annex attached. In addition, honey shall be free from organic or inorganic matters foreign to its composition, such as mould, insects, insect debris, brood or grains of sand, when the honey is marketed as such or is used in any product for human consumption (art. 6, par. 2). Article 7 determines the only indication which shall compulsorily appear on the packages, containers or labels of honey. Such information shall be clear, legible and indelible. This Directive shall not apply to products intended for export from the Community.

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References - Legislation

Implemented by

Ordinance on honey.

Legislation | Austria | 1994

Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Apiculture/sericulture, Standards, Packaging/labelling


Council Regulation (EC) No. 1221/97 laying down general rules for the application of measures to improve the production and marketing of honey.

Legislation | European Union | 1997

Keyword: Agricultural development, Apiculture/sericulture, Data collection/reporting, Policy/planning, Subsidy/incentive, Animal production


Arrêté royal relatif au miel.

Legislation | Belgium | 1975

Keyword: Apiculture/sericulture, Food quality control/food safety


Act No. 753 implementing Council Directive 74/409/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to honey

Legislation | Italy | 1982

Keyword: Apiculture/sericulture, Food quality control/food safety, Packaging/labelling, Standards, Internal trade, Transport/storage


Repealed by

Council Directive 2001/110/EC relating to honey.

Legislation | European Union | 2001

Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Apiculture/sericulture, Standards, Internal trade, Packaging/labelling