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Cabinet Regulation No. 1082 of 2010 on Procedure by Which Polluting Activities of Category A, B and C Shall Be Declared and Permits for the Performance of Category A and B Polluting Activities Shall Be Issued

Document type
2010 (2014)
Environment gen.
Pollution control Authorization/permit Classification/declassification Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings
Geographical area
Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, Northern Europe

The Regulation prescribes the conditions for the declaration of a Category A polluting activity, as well as the conditions on the basis of which a permit is issued for the performance of a Category A polluting activity, and the conditions for the use of the best available techniques. Further, the Regulation lays down the conditions for the declaration of a Category B polluting activity, as well as the conditions on the basis of which a permit is issued for the performance of a Category B polluting activity. Moreover, the Regulation provides rules for (1) Category C polluting activities, as well as the content and the procedure for filing a submission of a Category C polluting activity; (2) the time period after which a Category A or Category B polluting activity may not be commenced without a Category A or Category B permit; (3) the deadline by which an operator must file a submission for the receipt of a permit for an existing Category A or Category B polluting activity; (4) the time period after which an existing Category A or Category B polluting activity may not be continued, if a Category A or Category B permit has not been received; (5) the time period within which an operator must announce a change of activity; and (6) the procedure by which a Regional Environmental Board of the State Environmental Service reconsiders the conditions that are specified in a Category A or Category B permit and, if necessary, updates or supplements such conditions. Finally, Category B polluting activities are specified in Annex 1 to the Regulation, and Category C polluting activities are specified in Annex 2 to the Regulation.

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References - Legislation


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Legislation | European Union | 2008 (2018)

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Solid waste, Sustainable development, Precautionary principle, Waste disposal, Waste domestic sources, Waste management, Waste non-domestic sources, Waste prevention, Public health, Soil pollution/quality, Policy/planning, Public participation, Food waste, Basic legislation, Recycling/reuse, Packaging/labelling, Hazardous waste, Registration, Authorization/permit, Inspection, Organic waste


Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning integrated pollution prevention and control.

Legislation | European Union | 2008

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Noise pollution, Authorization/permit, Data collection/reporting, Access-to-information, Basic legislation, Soil pollution/quality, Hazardous substances, Waste management, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge


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Legislation | Latvia | 2001 (2018)

Keyword: Framework law, Basic legislation, Public health, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Risk assessment/management, Enforcement/compliance, Pollution control, Emissions, Air quality/air pollution, Soil pollution/quality, Water quality standards, Freshwater pollution, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Waste prevention, Registration, Inspection, Noise pollution, Climate change, Emissions trading, Authorization/permit, Radiation, Marine pollution, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment


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Legislation | European Union | 2012

Keyword: Solid waste, Hazardous substances, Recycling/reuse, Hazardous waste, Waste management, Waste prevention


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Legislation | European Union | 1991

Keyword: Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Waste domestic sources, Waste non-domestic sources, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


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Legislation | European Union | 1979

Keyword: Pollution control, Groundwater, Freshwater pollution, Effluent waste water/discharge, Authorization/permit


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Legislation | European Union | 1975

Keyword: Waste management, Waste disposal, Recycling/reuse, Waste prevention, Polluter pays principle, Hazardous waste, Offences/penalties


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Legislation | European Union | 2000

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Hazardous waste, Authorization/permit, Access-to-information, Environmental standards, Standards, Protection of environment, Soil pollution/quality, Waste non-domestic sources, Waste disposal, Waste management, Freshwater pollution, Surface water


Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste.

Legislation | European Union | 1999 (2018)

Keyword: Pollution control, Hazardous waste, Ozone layer, Authorization/permit, Classification/declassification, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Basic legislation, Waste disposal, Waste management, Waste prevention, Monitoring, Freshwater pollution


Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC.

Legislation | European Union | 2003

Keyword: Environmental planning, Access-to-information, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Access-to-justice, Governance, Public participation, Policy/planning


Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste.

Legislation | European Union | 1991

Keyword: Effluent waste water/discharge, Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Solid waste, Waste management, Waste non-domestic sources, Data collection/reporting


Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Legislation | European Union | 2000 (2014)

Keyword: Marine pollution, Potable water, Toxicity/poisoning, Food quality control/food safety, Basic legislation, Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Hazardous substances, Data collection/reporting, Freshwater resources management, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Groundwater, Water quality standards, Water conservation zone, Registration, River basin institution, Institution, Basin/catchment/watershed, Right to water, Transboundary effects, International relations/cooperation, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Pesticides, Human rights, Inland waters


Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control).

Legislation | European Union | 2010

Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Emissions, Basic legislation, Environmental standards, Business/industry/corporations, Integrated management, Standards, Protection of environment, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Waste management, Effluent waste water/discharge, Waste non-domestic sources, Pesticides, Drugs, Freshwater pollution