Belize Agricultural Health Authority (Biological Residues) (Control) Regulations, 2001. Country/Territory Belize Document type Regulation Date 2001 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source The Subsidiary Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2003, CAP. 211. Subject Livestock, Food & nutrition, Cultivated plants Keyword Food quality control/food safety Residues MRL-maximum residue limit Inspection Meat Slaughtering Drugs Animal health Pesticides Geographical area Americas, Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Small Island Developing States Abstract Regulations to make provision for the control of biological residues in animals and animal products. “Biological residue” means a residue of any drug, growth-promotor or any other therapeutic or prophylactic agent present in an animal after slaughtering or processing. authorized officers of the Belize Agricultural Health Authority may take samples for the determination of residues and substance s listed in Schedule 2. Samples shall be taken in accordance with a ante-mortem and post-mortem sampling programme established by the controlling officer. Types of samples and number shall depend upon the analytical method which shall be based on recommendations laid down in the Codex Alimentarius. Tolerance levels for biological residues shall be as prescribed in the Codex. Regulation 14 prohibits the administration of veterinary products other than administration in accordance with Regulations providing for the registration and control of veterinary products and animal feed. (21 regulations completed by 4 Schedules) Full text English Website References - Legislation Implements Belize Agricultural Health Authority Act, 1999 (Act No. 47 of 1999). Legislation | Belize | 2000 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Meat, Fraud, Basic legislation, Animal health, Pests/diseases, Quarantine, Animal feed/feedstuffs, Drugs, Plant protection, Fertilizers/nutrients, Plant production Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repeals Belize Agricultural Health Authority (Biological Residues) (Control) Regulations, 2001 (Cap. 211). Legislation | Belize | 2001 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Residues, MRL-maximum residue limit, Inspection, Meat, Slaughtering, Drugs, Pesticides, Animal health Source: FAO, FAOLEX