Agro-food chain management Law. Country/Territory Bulgaria Document type Regulation Date 2020 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Food & nutrition Keyword Food quality control/food safety Monitoring Inspection International relations/cooperation Early warning system Financing Risk assessment/management Hygiene/sanitary procedures Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Offences/penalties Genetically modified organism (GMO) Geographical area Black Sea, Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes This text entered into force within 14 days from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 5 June 2020). Abstract This Law regulates: 1. bodies, carrying out state policies, official control and other official activities along the agro-food chain; 2. bodies carrying out risk assessment along the agro-food chain and exchange of information about risks along the agro-food chain; 3. general requirements for carrying out official control and other official activities along the agro-food chain on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria; 4. specific requirements for carrying out official control and other official activities related to food chain on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria; 5. conditions and order for: (a) development and implementation of a Multiannual National Control Plan; (b) sampling, designation of laboratories for official control purposes and of national reference laboratories; 6. coordination and interaction of involved control bodies of the agro-food; 7. implementation of administrative assistance and cooperation in the field of the agro-food chain between competent authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria, other Member States, European Commission and other institutions of the European Union; 8. the use on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria of official information management system (IMSOC) according to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715 laying down rules for the functioning of the information management system for official controls and its system components (‘the IMSOC Regulation’); 9. measures in crisis management and emergency situations along the agro-food chain; 10. financing of activities related to the official control and other official activities along the agro-food chain. Full text Bulgarian Website References - Legislation Implemented by Ordinance № 11 of 14 July 2021 on measures for control of certain substances and residues thereof in live animals and food of animal origin intended for human consumption. Legislation | Bulgaria | 2021 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Meat, Monitoring, Residues, Hygiene/sanitary procedures, Wildlife products, Aquatic animals, Fish products, Animal production Source: FAO, FAOLEX Ordinance № 7 of 9 October 2020 on terms and conditions for sampling and laboratory testing of food. Legislation | Bulgaria | 2020 Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Monitoring, Inspection, Procedural matters, Processing/handling, Internal trade, International trade Source: FAO, FAOLEX