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Act on Water Resources Planning.

Document type
2013 (2017)
Environment gen., Water
Environmental planning Groundwater Surface water Protected area Ecosystem preservation Policy/planning Basic legislation Water shortage/drought Flood Sustainable development
Geographical area
Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe
Entry into force notes
The Act shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette.

The purpose of this Act is to establish a framework for the protection and management of surface and groundwater through the monitoring of protected areas. The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shall issue Regulations for its implementation. The scope of the Act is to prevent further deterioration and to protect aquatic ecosystems to promote sustainable water use based on long-term protection of available water resources. It aims to enhance the protection of aquatic environment through specific measures for the progressive reduction of discharges, emissions and losses of substances for the mitigation of effects caused by floods and droughts, phasing out emissions of hazardous substances and to ensure progressive reduction of groundwater pollution. The Ministry shall establish specific environmental objectives for the river basin districts' surface water and groundwater, including the modification of artificial water bodies. Organizations and associations shall give advice to local councils with regard to water catchment areas, and the Ministry may lay down rules on the composition of water, establishment, operation and cooperation with local governments within the main water catchments.

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References - Legislation


Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directives 82/176/EEC, 83/513/EEC, 84/156/EEC, 84/491/EEC, 86/280/EEC and amending Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Legislation | European Union | 2008

Keyword: Marine pollution, Potable water, Toxicity/poisoning, Food quality control/food safety, Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Hazardous substances, Water quality standards, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Pesticides


Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds.

Legislation | European Union | 2009

Keyword: Birds, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Protection of species


Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Legislation | European Union | 1992 (2013)

Keyword: Ecosystem preservation, Protected area, Biodiversity, Protection of habitats, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Data collection/reporting, Protection of species


Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Legislation | European Union | 2000 (2014)

Keyword: Marine pollution, Potable water, Toxicity/poisoning, Food quality control/food safety, Basic legislation, Pollution control, Effluent waste water/discharge, Hazardous substances, Data collection/reporting, Freshwater resources management, Freshwater pollution, Surface water, Groundwater, Water quality standards, Water conservation zone, Registration, River basin institution, Institution, Basin/catchment/watershed, Right to water, Transboundary effects, International relations/cooperation, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Pesticides, Human rights, Inland waters


Implemented by

Order No. 973 on delegation of tasks and responsibilities to Nature Agency.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance


Order No. 121 on water council and cooperation between local governments on proposals for action programs supplements to water supply measures.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Waterworks, Institution, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Policy/planning, Water supply


Order No. 120 on delegation of authorities and powers of Danish Nature Agency under the Act on Water Planning.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Water supply, Policy/planning


Order No. 119 on water catchments and main water districts.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Freshwater resources management, Inland waters, Basin/catchment/watershed, Governance


Order No. 1399 on monitoring of surface water, groundwater, protected areas and natural surveillance in international nature conservation areas.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Monitoring, Environmental audit, Pollution control, Water conservation zone, Ecosystem preservation, Protection of habitats, Protected area, Surface water, Groundwater, Standards, Basin/catchment/watershed, Freshwater pollution, Inland waters


Order No. 1400 on (water) basis analysis.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Pollution control, Surface water, Groundwater, Hazardous substances, Monitoring, Classification/declassification, Freshwater pollution, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Order No. 1401 on the content of river basin management planning.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Pollution control, Surface water, Groundwater, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Freshwater pollution, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment, Sustainable development, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Order No. 1398 establishing environmental objectives for rivers, lakes, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater.

Legislation | Denmark | 2014

Keyword: Surface water, Groundwater, Water quality standards, Environmental planning, Environmental standards, Classification/declassification, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment, Inspection, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters


Order No. 439 on environmental objectives for rivers, lakes, groundwater, transit and coastal waters.

Legislation | Denmark | 2016

Keyword: Water quality standards, Standards, Groundwater, Surface water, Classification/declassification, Pollution control, Policy/planning, Basin/catchment/watershed, Freshwater pollution, Inland waters


Order No. 342 on Denmark-Germany cooperation for the protection of waterbodies.

Legislation | Denmark | 2016

Keyword: Pollution control, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Groundwater, Surface water, International relations/cooperation, Freshwater pollution


Regulation No. 794 on shellfish waters.

Legislation | Denmark | 2023

Keyword: Marine fisheries, Fishing area, Fishery management and conservation, Fish products, Food quality control/food safety, Water quality standards, Marine pollution, Pollution control, Marine protected areas, Protected area, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Protection of species, Aquatic animals