Act on the assessment and management of flood risk from rivers and lakes (No. 1085 of 2017). Country/Territory Denmark Document type Legislation Date 2009 (2017) Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Environment gen., Land & soil, Water, Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Ecosystem preservation Environmental planning Flood Inland waters Protection of habitats Risk assessment/management Surface water Policy/planning Transboundary effects Hazards Wild fauna Wild flora Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Abstract This Act provides definitions and framework for the assessment and management of flood risks from watercourse and lakes with the aim to reducing risks in vulnerable areas. For each water-district a planning project is initiated by the municipal authorities, under supervision of the Ministry of Environment. Full text Danish Website References - Legislation Implements Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment and management of flood risks. Legislation | European Union | 2007 Keyword: Flood, Hazards, Coastal zone management, Access-to-information, Policy/planning, Cultural heritage, Basin/catchment/watershed, Inland waters Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds. Legislation | European Union | 1979 (2003) Keyword: Birds, Hunting/capture, Endangered species, Management/conservation, Protection of habitats, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora Legislation | European Union | 1992 (2013) Keyword: Ecosystem preservation, Protected area, Biodiversity, Protection of habitats, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Data collection/reporting, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amends Act amending Nature Protection Act, the Environmental Protection Act and various other laws (No. 484 of 2010). Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Environmental standards, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment, Authorization/permit, Marine protected areas, Protected area, Hazardous substances, Water supply, Flood, Freshwater resources management, National parks, Hunting/capture, Management/conservation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Planning Act (No. 1157 of 2020). Legislation | Denmark | 1991 (2020) Keyword: Environmental planning, Protection of habitats, Policy/planning, Basic legislation, Coastal zone management, Urban land, Internal trade, Zoning, Expropriation, Land-use planning, Freshwater resources management, Sustainable development, Sustainable use Source: FAO, FAOLEX Implemented by Order No. 1411 on Danish Nature Agency delegation of tasks and powers. Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Institution, Environmental audit, Protected area, Protection of habitats, Enforcement/compliance, Environmental planning, Protection of environment, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 1042 on cooperation between Denmark and Germany on the assessment and management of flood risk from rivers and lakes in international water district. Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Transboundary effects, Flood, Monitoring Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 973 on delegation of tasks and responsibilities to Nature Agency. Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amended by Act amending Nature Protection Act, the Environmental Protection Act and various other laws (No. 484 of 2010). Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Environmental standards, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment, Authorization/permit, Marine protected areas, Protected area, Hazardous substances, Water supply, Flood, Freshwater resources management, National parks, Hunting/capture, Management/conservation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Planning Law (No. 424 of 2011). Legislation | Denmark | 2011 Keyword: Internal trade, Environmental planning, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending Nature and Environmental Act and others. Legislation | Denmark | 2012 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Protection of environment, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Environmental Protection Act, the Act on payment rules for wastewater utilities and the Act on the assessment and management of flood risk from rivers and lakes (No. 1149 of 2012). Legislation | Denmark | 2012 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Authorization/permit, Flood, Data collection/reporting, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Water supply Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Law on Natural and Environmental Appeal Board and various other Acts (No. 580 of 2012). Legislation | Denmark | 2012 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Registration, Access-to-justice, Access-to-information, Protection of environment Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Environmental Protection Act, the Planning Act and various other Acts (No. 1273 of 2011). Legislation | Denmark | 2011 Keyword: Data collection/reporting, Internal trade, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Access-to-information, Access-to-justice, Protection of environment Source: FAO, FAOLEX Proposition Document 2013/1 LSF 62 for amending Act on Nature and Environment Board of Appeals and other Acts. Legislation | Denmark | 2013 Keyword: Data collection/reporting, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Offences/penalties, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending Act on Nature and Environment Board of Appeals and other Acts (No. 86 of 2014). Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Environmental planning, Governance, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX