Act on environmental assessment of plans and programs (No. 4 of 2023). Country/Territory Denmark Document type Legislation Date 2004 (2023) Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Environment gen., Water Keyword Basic legislation EIA Biosafety Cultural heritage Environmental planning Environmental standards Pollution control Biodiversity Climate change Policy/planning Standards Protection of environment Sustainable development Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Abstract This Act aims at ensuring a high level of environmental protection which can contribute to integrating environmental measures into the preparation and adoption of plans and programs promoting sustainable development. For this scope to take effect, environmental assessment is carried out on significant effects on the environment caused by factors such as biodiversity, population, human health, flora, fauna, soil, land, water, air, climatic factors , material assets, landscape, cultural heritage, natural disaster risks and accidents. The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shall regulate this Act and coordinate the required procedures for said environmental assessment of projects which may impact international protected areas and protected species. Full text Danish Website References - Legislation Implements Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. Legislation | European Union | 2011 (2014) Keyword: EIA, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Cultural heritage Source: FAO, FAOLEX Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. Legislation | European Union | 2001 Keyword: EIA, Sustainable development, Sustainable use, Cultural heritage Source: FAO, FAOLEX Implemented by Order No. 1411 on Danish Nature Agency delegation of tasks and powers. Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Institution, Environmental audit, Protected area, Protection of habitats, Enforcement/compliance, Environmental planning, Protection of environment, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 973 on delegation of tasks and responsibilities to Nature Agency. Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amended by Act amending Nature Protection Act, the Environmental Protection Act and various other laws (No. 484 of 2010). Legislation | Denmark | 2010 Keyword: Energy conservation/energy production, Environmental standards, Environmental planning, Policy/planning, Standards, Protection of environment, Authorization/permit, Marine protected areas, Protected area, Hazardous substances, Water supply, Flood, Freshwater resources management, National parks, Hunting/capture, Management/conservation Source: FAO, FAOLEX Order No. 481 amending Annex 3 and 4 of Act on environmental assessment of plans and programs. Legislation | Denmark | 2011 Keyword: Transport/storage, Oil, Natural gas, Energy conservation/energy production, Environmental planning, EIA, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Environmental Protection Act, the Marine Environment Protection Act and various other laws (No. 1571 of 2006). Legislation | Denmark | 2006 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending Nature and Environmental Act and others. Legislation | Denmark | 2012 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Protection of environment, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Law on Natural and Environmental Appeal Board and various other Acts (No. 580 of 2012). Legislation | Denmark | 2012 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Registration, Access-to-justice, Access-to-information, Protection of environment Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending the Environmental Protection Act, the Planning Act and various other Acts (No. 1273 of 2011). Legislation | Denmark | 2011 Keyword: Data collection/reporting, Internal trade, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Access-to-information, Access-to-justice, Protection of environment Source: FAO, FAOLEX Proposition Document 2013/1 LSF 62 for amending Act on Nature and Environment Board of Appeals and other Acts. Legislation | Denmark | 2013 Keyword: Data collection/reporting, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Offences/penalties, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act amending Act on Nature and Environment Board of Appeals and other Acts (No. 86 of 2014). Legislation | Denmark | 2014 Keyword: Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Data collection/reporting, Environmental planning, Governance, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Regulation No. 1715 on the Environmental and Food Appeals Board. Legislation | Denmark | 2016 Keyword: Institution, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Governance Source: FAO, FAOLEX