Act on duties of entrepreneurs concerning some wastes management, and product fee and deposit fee. Country/Territory Poland Document type Legislation Date 2001 (2007) Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Journal of Laws 2007 No. 90 Pos. 607 Subject Environment gen., Waste & hazardous substances Keyword Environmental fees/charges Waste management Offences/penalties International trade Geographical area Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Abstract This Act is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (sec. 1); Duties of entrepreneurs (sec. 2); Product fee (sec. 3); Deposit fee (sec. 4); Duties of public administration organs (sec. 5); Principles of management of financial resources coming from product fee (sec. 6); Criminal provisions (sec. 7); Changes in valid provisions, transitional and final provisions (sec. 8). The Act establishes duties of entrepreneurs introducing to Poland products in packages specified in Annex 1 and products listed in Annex 2 and 3, and rules of establishing and collecting of product fee and deposit fee. Provisions of the Act apply also to entrepreneurs who pack products produced by another entrepreneur and place them on the market. In case when a product is placed on the national market by entrepreneur who is not the producer and commissioned production of this product, duties specified in this Act apply to this entrepreneur. Full text Polish Website References - Legislation Implements Act on duties of entrepreneurs concerning waste management, product fees and deposit fees. Legislation | Poland | 2001 Keyword: Environmental fees/charges, Waste management, Offences/penalties, International trade Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste. Legislation | European Union | 1975 Keyword: Waste management, Waste disposal, Recycling/reuse, Waste prevention, Polluter pays principle, Hazardous waste, Offences/penalties Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 75/439/EEC on the disposal of waste oils. Legislation | European Union | 1975 Keyword: Pollution control, Air quality/air pollution, Oil pollution, Soil pollution/quality, Waste non-domestic sources, Waste management, Waste disposal, Effluent waste water/discharge, Authorization/permit, Freshwater pollution Source: FAO, FAOLEX European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste. Legislation | European Union | 1994 Keyword: Waste prevention, Recycling/reuse, Solid waste, Access-to-information, Waste management Source: FAO, FAOLEX Implemented by Regulation on documents confirming separately reuse and separately recycling. Legislation | Poland | 2015 Keyword: Solid waste, Recycling/reuse, Waste management, Waste prevention, Standards Source: FAO, FAOLEX