Act containing rules relative to the protection of wild plant and animal species (Flora and Fauna Act). Country/Territory Netherlands Document type Legislation Date 1998 (2012) Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Fisheries, Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Protection of species Fishery management and conservation Basic legislation Biodiversity Hunting/capture Protected area Institution Hunting authorization/permit Hunting gear/hunting methods Inspection Offences/penalties Endangered species Wild fauna Wild flora Geographical area Benelux, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Atlantic, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Western Europe Abstract This Act is unites all provisions relating to the protection of all animals and plants living in the wild together in one text so as to harmonize those provisions, to better respond to international obligations and, in general to make better provision for the protection of flora and fauna. The text consists of 127 sections divided into 9 Chapters: General provisions (I); Indication of protected species (II); General prohibitions (III); Protected living environment (IV); Special provisions (V); The Fauna fund (VI); Other provisions (VII); Supervision, penal and enforcement provisions (VIII); Transitional and final provisions (IX). Full text Dutch Website References - Legislation Amends Act containing provisions concerning general matters of environmental hygiene (Environment Management Act). Legislation | Netherlands | 1979 (2023) Keyword: Framework law, Institution, Environmental planning, EIA, Authorization/permit, Pollution control, Soil pollution/quality, Marine pollution, Environmental standards, Subsidy/incentive, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Offences/penalties, Protection of environment, Emissions, Emissions trading, Policy/planning, Standards, Freshwater pollution, Sustainable development Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repeals Birds Act 1936. Legislation | Netherlands | 1936 (1994) Keyword: Birds, Hunting/capture, Hunting authorization/permit, Offences/penalties, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Implemented by Decree containing rules relative to management and prevention of damage caused by animals. Legislation | Netherlands | 2000 (2012) Keyword: Animal welfare, Dangerous animal/harmful animal, Hunting/capture, Hunting gear/hunting methods Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree designating species of flora and fauna pursuant to the Flora and Fauna Act. Legislation | Netherlands | 2000 (2010) Keyword: Alien species, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 337 of 2002 concerning arrangements for the Fauna Fund. Legislation | Netherlands | 2002 Keyword: Special fund, Hunting authorization/permit fee, Dangerous animal/harmful animal Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree No. 525 of 2000 containing rules relative to the possession and transport of and the trade in protected animal and plant species (Decree Exemption Protected Animal and Plant Species). Legislation | Netherlands | 2000 Keyword: Wildlife products, International trade, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Decree containing rules relative to the Fauna Management and Conservation Units and Fauna Management and Conservation Plans (Decree Management and Conservation Fauna). Legislation | Netherlands | 2000 (2010) Keyword: Management/conservation, Hunting/capture, Protected area, Institution, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amended by Act No. 125 containing rules relative to the admission, placing on the market and use of plant protection products and biocide products (Act Plant Protection Products and Biocide Products). Legislation | Netherlands | 2007 (2022) Keyword: Plant protection, Pesticides, Fertilizers/nutrients, Certification, Biological control agents, Internal trade, International trade, Offences/penalties, Plant production Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. 195 of 2005 amending the Flora and Fauna Act in relation with obligations arising from European legislation. Legislation | Netherlands | 2005 Keyword: Biodiversity, Protected area, Protection of habitats, Policy/planning, Birds Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. 236 of 2006 amending the Flora and Fauna Act in relation with the extension of solutions of management and prevention of damage caused by indigenous animal species. Legislation | Netherlands | 2006 Keyword: Hunting/capture, Non-governmental entity, Dangerous animal/harmful animal Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. 236 amending the Flora and Fauna Act in relation with the prohibition on hunting with dogs (drijfjacht). Legislation | Netherlands | 2000 Keyword: Management/conservation, Hunting/capture, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Hunting gear/hunting methods Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. 449 of 2007 amending the Flora and Fauna Act in relation with the regulation of non-selective means trapping and some other matters. Legislation | Netherlands | 2007 Keyword: Hunting/capture, Marine mammals, Birds, Hunting gear/hunting methods Source: FAO, FAOLEX Repealed by Nature Conservation Act (2015). Legislation | Netherlands | 2015 (2020) Keyword: Pollution control, Soil pollution/quality, Basic legislation, Timber extraction/logging, Forestry protection measures, Forest management/forest conservation, Timber, Ecosystem preservation, Freshwater pollution, Biodiversity, Protected area, Management/conservation, Protection of habitats, Policy/planning, Birds, Marine area, Protection of species, Endangered species, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Trade in species, Dangerous animal/harmful animal, Alien species Source: FAO, FAOLEX