Act amending some acts in the area of public health protection. Country/Territory Czechia Document type Legislation Date 2003 Source FAO, FAOLEX Original source Collection of Laws No. 274 of 2003. Subject Food & nutrition Keyword Food quality control/food safety Internal trade Packaging/labelling Geographical area Eastern Europe, Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries Entry into force notes The Act enters into force on 1 October 2003. Abstract The Act, which is composed of 19 Sections, amends several acts in the area of public health protection, namely: Act on the Environment (Sec. 3); Act on water supply and sewerage systems (Sec. 5); Act on foodstuffs and tobacco products (Sec. 8); Packaging Act (Sec. 9); Water Act (Sec. 16). The amended provisions concern obligations of food producers and the placing on the market of food products. Full text Czech Website References - Legislation Amends Packaging Act No. 477/2001. Legislation | Czechia | 2001 Keyword: Waste management, Waste disposal, Waste non-domestic sources, Packaging/labelling, Hazardous substances, Registration, Offences/penalties, Environmental fees/charges Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act no. 17/1992 on the Environment. Legislation | Czechia | 1991 (2017) Keyword: Framework law, Ecosystem preservation, Environmental planning, EIA, Access-to-information, Offences/penalties, Liability/compensation, Polluter pays principle, Protection of environment, Policy/planning Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act on foodstuffs and tobacco products. Legislation | Czechia | 1997 (2021) Keyword: Food quality control/food safety, Internal trade, Packaging/labelling, Processing/handling, Transport/storage, Offences/penalties, International trade, Inspection Source: FAO, FAOLEX Water Act No. 254/2001. Legislation | Czechia | 2001 (2023) Keyword: Framework law, Basic legislation, Surface water, Groundwater, Institution, Freshwater resources management, Authorization/permit, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Pollution control, Flood, Basin/catchment/watershed, Freshwater pollution, Inland waters Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act no. 274/2001 on water supply and sewerage systems. Legislation | Czechia | 2001 (2018) Keyword: Waste domestic sources, Waste management, Sewerage, Offences/penalties, Water supply, Waterworks, Water quality standards, Basic legislation Source: FAO, FAOLEX