Act amending Act on rivers, the Nature Protection Act and the Planning Act (No. 1630 of 2013). Country/Territory Denmark Document type Legislation Date 2013 Source FAO, FAOLEX Subject Environment gen. Keyword Classification/declassification Enforcement/compliance Environmental audit EIA Geographical area Europe, Europe and Central Asia, European Union Countries, North Sea, North-East Atlantic, Northern Europe Entry into force notes 1 January 2014. Abstract This Act partly amends Acts No. 1208, No. 951, and No. 587. In particular with regard to the classification of private and public streams, repealing requirements for exemption in a number of cases for the construction of settlements in the forest building line and simplification of the Environmental impact assessment. Full text Danish Website References - Legislation Implements Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. Legislation | European Union | 2011 (2014) Keyword: EIA, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Cultural heritage Source: FAO, FAOLEX Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora Legislation | European Union | 1992 (2013) Keyword: Ecosystem preservation, Protected area, Biodiversity, Protection of habitats, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Hunting/capture, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Data collection/reporting, Protection of species Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amends Planning Act (No. 1157 of 2020). Legislation | Denmark | 1991 (2020) Keyword: Environmental planning, Protection of habitats, Policy/planning, Basic legislation, Coastal zone management, Urban land, Internal trade, Zoning, Expropriation, Land-use planning, Freshwater resources management, Sustainable development, Sustainable use Source: FAO, FAOLEX Nature Conservation Act (No. 1392 of 2022). Legislation | Denmark | 1992 (2022) Keyword: Protection of habitats, Ecosystem preservation, Cultural heritage, Inland waters, Freshwater resources management, Water conservation zone, Sustainable development, Basic legislation, Protected area, Protection forest, Protection of species, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Wetlands, Management/conservation, Trade in species, International relations/cooperation, Offences/penalties Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act on Watercourses (LBK no. 1217 of 2019). Legislation | Denmark | 1982 (2019) Keyword: Basic legislation, Surface water, Drainage/land reclamation, Inland waters, Water abstraction, Enforcement/compliance, Monitoring, Waterworks, Effluent waste water/discharge, Environmental standards, Pollution control, Freshwater pollution, Freshwater resources management, Standards, Protection of environment Source: FAO, FAOLEX