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International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78)

The marine pollution problem and West African states: Some lessons from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Author: Sarpong G.

Publisher: Juridisch Studiecentrum Hugo de Groot | Leiden, Netherlands | 1992

Literature | International

Keyword: EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, Water quality standards, Marine pollution, Territorial sea

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-049347)

Survey of existing international agreements and instruments: marine environment and marine pollution

Author: Boyle A.E., Freestone, D.A.C., Kummer, K., Ong, D.M.

Publisher: unpublished | 1991

Literature | International

Keyword: Marine pollution, Marine resources management

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-046054)

International and regional conventions for the prevention of marine pollution. Proceedings of the

Author: Kidane Y.T.

Publisher: unpublished | 1994

Literature | International | Eritrea

Keyword: Marine pollution

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-054329)

Energy use and atmospheric protection

Author: Bradbrook A.

In: Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy | Vol. 3(1); 25 - 60; 36 p.

Publisher: University of Wollongong Faculty of Law | Wollongong, Australia | 1996

Literature | International

Keyword: Radioactive pollution, Acid precipitation, Climate change

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-059921)

IMO: Achievements in 2001

Author: Fayette L. de la

In: Environmental Policy and Law | Vol. 32(3-4); 146 - 151; 6 p.

Publisher: IOS Press | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2002

Literature | International

Keyword: Navigation, Marine area, Institutional profiles

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-068744)

Internationale Umweltregime

Author: Gehring T., Oberthür S. (eds)

Publisher: Leske + Budrich | Leverkusen, Germany | 1997

Literature | International

Keyword: Institutional profiles, Policy/planning, Comprehensive description

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-062609)

The Wadden Sea: A Yardstick for a Clean North Sea

Author: Zwiep K.van der

In: International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law (special issue) | Vol.5, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; 201 - 212; 12 p.

Publisher: Graham & Trotman / Martinus Nijhoff | London, UK | 1990

Literature | Denmark, Germany, Netherlands

Keyword: Marine pollution, Marine resources management, Wetlands

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-044384)

Committee tackles ballast water problem

Author: International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Publisher: International Maritime Organization | London, UK | 1997

Literature | International

Keyword: Navigation, Alien species, Wild fauna, Wild flora, Management/conservation

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-062671)

The Second International North Sea Conference on the Protection of the North Sea: National Implementation

Author: Jong

In: International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law (special issue) | Vol.5, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; 31 - 46; 16 p.

Publisher: Graham & Trotman / Martinus Nijhoff | London, UK | 1990

Literature | European Union, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

Keyword: Hazardous substances, Marine pollution, Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-044375)