× Information on this section of ECOLEX comes from the InforMEA Portal which compiled information from MEA Secretariats with the support of the European Union. The accuracy of the information displayed is the responsibility of the originating data source. In case of discrepancy the information as displayed on the respective MEA website prevails. Resolution on completion of the Revised Management Scheme (RMS) Document type Resolution Reference number 2004-6 Date Jul 19, 2004 SourceUNEP, InforMEA Status Adopted Subject Wild species & ecosystems, Sea Treaty International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (Dec 2, 1946) Meeting 56th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC56) Website crm.iwc.int Abstract RESOLUTION ON COMPLETION OF THE REVISED MANAGEMENT SCHEME (RMS) RECOGNISING the dual mandate of the IWC for the conservation of whales and the management of whaling according to the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling; NOTING that on this basis, considerable progress has been made in identifying major elements necessary to reach broad agreement on the RMS, as reflected in the Chairman’s Proposal for a Way Forward on the RMS (Doc IWC/56/26); TAKING NOTE of the comments of Contracting Parties on the Chairman’s Proposal at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Commission; CONCERNED that the failure to reach broad agreement on the RMS in the near future may seriously jeopardise the ability of the IWC to fulfil its responsibilities; NOW THEREFORE THE COMMISSION: COMMENDS the efforts of the Chairman in providing a basis for further work and discussion towards finalizing the RMS; AGREES to re-establish the Working Group on the RMS with a view to holding an intersessional meeting prior to IWC/57, as outlined in the attached Intersessional Plan of Work. AGREES to proceed expeditiously towards the completion of both the drafting of text and technical details of the RMS according to the attached Intersessional Plan of Work with the aim of having the results ready for consideration, including for possible adoption, at IWC57, and/or to identify any outstanding policy and technical issues. Read more https://archive.iwc.int/?r=2079