× Information on this section of ECOLEX comes from the InforMEA Portal which compiled information from MEA Secretariats with the support of the European Union. The accuracy of the information displayed is the responsibility of the originating data source. In case of discrepancy the information as displayed on the respective MEA website prevails. Decision XXXV/12: Further strengthening Montreal Protocol institutions, including for combating illegal trade Document type Decision Reference number XXXV/12 Date Oct 27, 2023 SourceUNEP, InforMEA Status Active Subject Waste & hazardous substances, Air & atmosphere Treaty Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Sep 16, 1987) Meeting Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties Website ozone.unep.org Abstract Recalling decisions XIV/7, XXXI/3 and XXXIV/8, To encourage parties to facilitate the exchange of information on best practices to prevent illegal trade of controlled substances and to inform the Secretariat of practices used by entities attempting unauthorized imports of controlled substances that may include the mislabelling of containers of controlled substances or misreporting of controlled substances on customs declarations; To request the Secretariat to provide, before the forty-sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and on an annual basis thereafter, a compilation of information provided by parties pursuant to paragraph 1 above as well as decision XXXIV/8.