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Decision VCI/6: Subsidiary bodies

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Apr 26, 1989
Waste & hazardous substances, Air & atmosphere
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Mar 22, 1985)

The Conference of the Parties, in Decision VCI/6 of its First Meeting, decided:

  1. to establish the following co-ordination bodies as subsidiary bodies of the Conference of the Parties under Article 6 para. 4(i) of the Vienna Convention:
    1. The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties composed of the officers elected by the Conference;
    2. The terms of reference of the Bureau shall be to facilitate the implementation, as appropriate, on behalf of the Parties of the relevant subparagraphs of paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Convention, particularly, - review the scientific information on the ozone layer, on its possible modification and on possible effects of any such modifications; - consider, in accordance with articles 3 and 4, programmes for research, systematic observations, scientific and technological co-operation, the exchange of information and the transfer of technology and knowledge and prepare a draft agenda for such activities for consideration by the Parties at their following Conference with estimates of the costs required for the implementation of the proposed activities; - consider other topics on the Agenda of the next Conference of the Parties, and review the documents prepared by the Secretariat for the Conference to facilitate the work of the Conference.

      The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties is to hold maximum two meetings between two sessions of the Conference of the Parties one of them in conjunction with the Research Managers' Meeting referred to in the next section.

      The cost of the meeting of the Bureau is to be covered within the budget of the Convention;

    3. A Meeting composed of: (a) Government Atmospheric Research Managers and (b) Government Research Managers of research related to health and environmental effects of ozone modifications.
    4. Such a Meeting shall review ongoing national and international research and monitoring programmes to ensure proper co-ordination of these programmes and identify gaps that need to be addressed.

      The Meeting shall be held every 2 years (6 months prior to the meeting of the Parties) jointly with a meeting of the Bureau. The Meeting should produce a report including recommendations for future research and expanded co-operation between researchers in developed and developing countries for presentation to the following meeting of the Parties to the Convention.

      It is assumed that the Research Managers from developed countries will cover their own expenses and that the Secretariat budget will cover only participation of no more than ten Research Managers from developing countries.

  2. The Secretariat of the Convention in co-operation with UNEP and WMO shall prepare for the joint meeting of the Bureau and the group of the Research Managers. The joint meeting shall take place in conjunction with a meeting of the WMO Executive Council Panel on Environmental Pollution, Monitoring and Research.