Cost category |
Budget line
Employee salaries, allowances and benefits
The estimates under this category have been increased by 2 per cent over each year of the triennium to allow for inflation. The P-3 post of Information Technology Officer, included in the budget, is funded in the ratio of 30 per cent to 70 per cent by the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol trust funds respectively.
Meeting costs
This category includes the costs of the venue; editing and translation of the meeting documents; interpretation during the meeting and conference servicing staff time and travel.
The conference costs of the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention will be shared with the Thirty‑Sixth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol; the meetings are to be held jointly in 2024.
Two Bureau meetings are scheduled to be held in 2024. The first will be held back to back with the twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers and the second will be held back to back with the meeting of the Bureau of the Thirty‑Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.
The budget includes conference services costs for the twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers, to be held at the headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva.
The budget is for promotional activities for the protection of the ozone layer.
Hospitality cost covers receptions at twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers and the combined twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties.
Travel of Article 5 participants
Given that the meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention is normally held jointly with the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, participation costs are borne by the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol.
Participation costs are based on two Bureau meetings for participants from developing countries or countries with economies in transition, being held back to back with twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers and the combined twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the Thirty-Sixth Meeting of the Parties.
The budget, maintained at the level of 2021, includes the cost of travel of representatives of Article 5 parties to the twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers. The travel is budgeted at $5,000 per representative, calculated on the basis of an economy-class fare using the most direct and economical route and the United Nations daily subsistence allowance for Geneva.
Travel on official business
The budget includes the travel of Secretariat staff to organize and to participate in the twelfth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers and the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, and to provide support to networking and capacity‑building meetings.
Other operating costs
4100 – 5300
The category includes the cost of expendables, non-expendable equipment, rental of office premises, operation and maintenance of equipment, reporting costs, communication, freight and the costs of World Ozone Day celebrations.
The budget caters for the cost of software licences, stationery, office supplies and consumables and has been maintained at the level of the 2021 approved amount. This cost is shared with the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol.
This budget line provides for the cost of furniture, computers and peripherals. The cost has been maintained at the level of the 2021 approved amount. This cost is shared with the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol.
The rental cost is shared with the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol. The budget for 2022–2023 is the same as the 2021 approved amount. The 2024 amount has been increased by $1,000 to cater for inflation.
The cost for the operation and maintenance of equipment, shared with the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol, includes the service-level agreements for printers and photocopying machines, information technology support provided by the United Nations Office at Nairobi, and insurance of equipment. Effective 2021, partial annual maintenance and hosting costs for the website and the various digital tools, traditionally covered by the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol, have been included.
The budget for 2022 and 2023 will provide for general reporting costs that cover the editing and translation of ad hoc documents (not related to meetings) and publications. The 2024 reporting cost has been maintained at the level of the approved amount for 2021 to provide for the report of the Ozone Research Managers at their twelfth meeting and include other general reporting costs mentioned above.
The sundry budget includes the cost of communications, freight and the World Ozone Day celebration. This category is also shared with the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol.