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Decision VC XII(II)/1: Recommendations of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention at their eleventh meeting

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Oct 29, 2021
Waste & hazardous substances, Air & atmosphere
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Mar 22, 1985)
Twelfth Conference of the Parties (Part II)

Recalling that, pursuant to the objectives defined in decision VC I/6 of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention review ongoing national and international research and monitoring programmes with a view to ensuring the proper coordination of those programmes and identifying gaps that need to be addressed,

Recalling also decision XXXI/3 of the Thirty-First Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on unexpected emissions of CFC-11, which, inter alia, requested the Scientific Assessment Panel to work with the Ozone Research Managers to identify gaps in the global coverage of atmospheric monitoring of controlled substances and to provide options for ways to enhance such monitoring, as well as exploring options for informing the parties of preliminary information indicating unexpected emissions of controlled substances,

Recognizing the need to improve the understanding and accuracy of future projections of global ozone amounts, including ozone layer recovery,

Recognizing also the importance of continuing and enhancing existing observation capabilities for ozone layer and climate variables owing to the changing atmospheric composition and the strong coupling between the behaviour of the ozone layer and changes in climate,

Noting the importance of capacity-building activities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition to enable them to expand their ability to participate in research and systematic observations relating to the ozone layer and the changing climate,

Noting with appreciation theScientific Assessment Panel’s “white paper” entitled “Closing the gaps in top-down regional emissions quantification: needs and action plan”,1 prepared for the eleventh meeting of the Ozone Research Managers,

  1. To take note with appreciation of the reports of the eleventh meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention;2
  2. To encourage parties to adopt and implement, as appropriate, the recommendations of the Ozone Research Managers under the topics of research needs, systematic observations, gaps in the global coverage of atmospheric monitoring of controlled substances and options for enhancing such monitoring, data archiving and stewardship, and capacity‑building;
  3. To also encourage parties to accord priority in particular to:
    1. Research and systematic observation activities, including monitoring of the ozone layer using ground, satellite, aircraft, and balloon profiles, to analyse processes influencing the evolution of the ozone layer and its links to climate change;
    2. Maintaining, augmenting, restoring and, where feasible, establishing new long-term capacity and infrastructure for the atmospheric monitoring and observation of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol in order to enhance the estimates of regional emissions, including in currently unmonitored and undermonitored regions;
    3. Improved management and analysis of observation data, including for international open-access and collaborative research activities, long-term curation and storage, standardization and intercomparability, to support modelling and near real-time assessments;
    4. Support for capacity-building activities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition through the continuation and expansion of regular calibration and intercomparison campaigns and through the provision of training and assistance to enable those parties to expand their scientific capacity and participate in ozone research activities, including assessment activities under the Montreal Protocol;
  4. To request the Ozone Research Managers, at their twelfth meeting, to continue to review the situation of atmospheric measurements and monitoring of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol, and to make specific recommendations for further strengthening such atmospheric monitoring.

UNEP/OzL/Conv.ResMgr/11/4/Rev.1, annex.

UNEP/OzL/Conv.ResMgr/11(I)/2 and Ozone Research and Monitoring Global Atmosphere Watch Report No. 271.