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Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere

Evolving trends in the international protection of species

Author: Maffei M.C.

In: in: German Yearbook of International Law | Vol. 36; 131- 187; 57 p.

Publisher: Duncker & Humblot | Berlin, Germany | 1993

Literature | International

Keyword: Biodiversity, Protected animal species, Protected plant species, Management/conservation, Wild fauna, Sustainable use, Wild flora

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-052525)

The Law of the Jungle: the Role of the International Court of Justice in Global Environmental Problems. The Case of the World-Wide Destruction of Tropical Rainforests

Author: Bilderbeek S.

Publisher: unpublished | 1991

Literature | International

Keyword: Forest management/forest conservation, Biodiversity, Liability/compensation

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-044682)

De bescherming van het tropisch regenwoud en het internationale recht

Author: Heijnsbergen P.van

In: Tijdschrift voor Milieu en Recht | No.4; 200 - 209; 10 p.

Publisher: W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink | Zwolle, The Netherlands | 1991

Literature | International | European Union

Keyword: Forest management/forest conservation

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-044994)

International legal protection of wild fauna and flora

Author: Heijnsbergen P. van

Publisher: IOS Press | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 1997

Literature | International

Keyword: Wild fauna, Protected animal species, Protected plant species, Wild flora, Management/conservation

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-058748)

Lyster's International Wildlife Law

Author: Bowman M., Davies P., Redgwell C.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Cambridge, United Kingdom | 2010

Literature | International

Keyword: Comprehensive description, Protection of habitats, Protection of species, International relations/cooperation, International agreement-implementation

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-084526)

Environmental laws of the Commonwealth Caribbean: Analysis and needs assessment

Author: Pollard D.E.E. (ed)

Publisher: Caribbean Law Institute, University of West Indies | Bridgetown, Barbados | 1991

Literature | Anguilla (UK), Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands (UK), Cayman Islands (UK), Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat (UK), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)

Keyword: Policy/planning, Land-use planning, Soil pollution/quality, Waste management, Freshwater resources management, Forest management/forest conservation, Marine pollution

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-047030)

Biological diversity conservation and the law: Legal mechanisms for conserving species and ecosystems

Author: Klemm C., Shine C.

Publisher: IUCN | Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK | 1993

Literature | International

Keyword: Trade in species, Protected area, Biodiversity, Hunting/capture, Land-use planning

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-050821)