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Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa

Regulating transboundary movement of hazardous waste: International developments and implications for South Africa

Author: Glazewski J.I.

In: The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa | Vol. 26(2); 234 - 249; 16 p.

Publisher: University of South Africa | Pretoria, South Africa | 1993

Literature | South Africa

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, Transport/storage, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-052849)

Resolution on toxic waste in South Africa

Author: European Parliament

Publisher: Oceana Publications, Inc. | New York, NY, USA | 1996

Literature | European Union

Keyword: Hazardous waste, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-070466)

Note. The Bamako Convention as a solution to the problem of hazardous waste exports to less developed countries

Author: Donald J.W.

In: Columbia Journal of Environmental Law | Vol. 17(2); 419 - 458; 40 p.

Publisher: School of Law Columbia University | New York, NY, USA | 1992

Literature | International

Keyword: International trade, Developing countries, Transboundary movement of waste, Waste disposal, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-048822)

La Convention de Bâle et la Convention de Bamako

Author: Gendron C.

In: Ecodecision | No. 15; 21 - 22; 2 p.

Publisher: Environment and Policy Society - The Royal Society of Canada | Montreal, Canada | 1995

Literature | International

Keyword: Comparative analysis, Transboundary movement of waste

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-054119)

Transboundary movement of hazardous waste: Environmental justice issues for developing countries

Author: Lipman Z.

In: Conference Proceedings ' Environmental Justice and the Legal Process ' | 269 - 289; 21 p.

Publisher: University of Capetown / Macquarie University | Cape Town, South Africa | 1998

Literature | International | Australia, South Africa

Keyword: Developing countries, Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-063763)

Transboundary shipments of toxic waste: The Basel and Bamako Conventions: Do Third World countries have a choice?

Author: Ovink B.J.

In: Dickinson Journal of International Law | Vol. 13(2); 281 - 295; 15 p.

Publisher: Dickinson Journal of International Law | Carlisle, PA, USA | 1995

Literature | International

Keyword: Developing countries, Transboundary movement of waste

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-055483)

Waste trade and disposal in the Americas: The need for and benefits of a regional response

Author: Poulakidas D.

In: Vermont Law Review | Vol. 21(3); 873 - 928; 56 p.

Publisher: Vermont Law School | South Royalton, VT, USA | 1997

Literature | United States of America, Canada, Mexico

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, Waste disposal, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-063534)

Comparative analysis of the Basel and Bamako Conventions on Hazardous Waste

Author: Shearer C.R.

In: Environmental Law | Vol. 23(1); 141 - 183; 43 p.

Publisher: Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College | Portland, OR, USA | 1993

Literature | International

Keyword: Policy/planning, Transboundary effects, Comparative analysis, Waste disposal, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-048546)

De Bâle à Bamako, même combat

Author: Prieur M.

In: A law for the environment: Essays in honour of Wolfgang E. Burhenne | 153 - 160; 8 p.

Publisher: IUCN | Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK | 1993

Literature | International

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-051378)

Africa, NGOs, and the international toxic waste trade

Author: Clapp J.

In: The Journal of Environment & Development | Vol. 3(2); 17 - 46; 30 p.

Publisher: University of California | San Diego, CA, USA | 1994

Literature | International

Keyword: NGO, Hazardous waste, International trade

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-052174)

The evolution of the Bamako Convention: An African perspective

Author: Jones W.F.

In: Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy | Vol. 4(2); 324 - 342; 19 p.

Publisher: The University Press of Colorado | Niwot, CO, USA | 1993

Literature | International

Keyword: NGO, Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-049890)

The Bamako Convention and the First Meeting of the Parties: A glance at implementation strategies

Author: Eguh E.C.

In: Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL) | Vol. 7(3); 256 - 263; 8 p.

Publisher: Basil Blackwell Ltd. | London, UK | 1998

Literature | International

Keyword: Enforcement/compliance, Hazardous waste

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-064510)

Waste exports to the developing world: A global response

Author: Kitt J.

In: Georgetown International Environmental Law Review | Vol. 7(2); 485 - 514; 30 p.

Publisher: Georgetown University Law Center | Washington, DC, USA | 1995

Literature | International

Keyword: Developing countries, Transboundary movement of waste, International trade

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-054912)

Possibilities for a unified International Convention on the Transboundary Shipments of Hazardous Wastes

Author: Hirschi K.

In: Georgetown International Environmental Law Review | Vol. 10(1); 169 - 197; 29 p.

Publisher: Georgetown University Law Centre | Washington, DC, USA | 1997

Literature | International

Keyword: Policy/planning, Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-061888)

Environmental measures restricting the waste trade

Author: Ishibashi K.

In: International Environmental Law and Policy Series | Vol. 63; 59 - 74; 16 p.

Publisher: Kluwer Law International | The Hague, The Netherlands | 2003

Literature | International

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-071127)

The regulation of transnational trade in hazardous wastes - The African response

Author: Naldi G.

In: The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy | Vol. 7(2); 213 - 236; 24 p.

Publisher: School of Law, University of Natal | Scottsville, RSA | 2000

Literature | International

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, International trade

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-067919)

Responsabilidad internacional por daños transfronterizos

Author: Gómez-Robledo Verduzco A.

Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | México, México | 1992

Literature | International

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste, Liability/compensation

Source: IUCN (ID: MON-055656)

Where are the regulations for shipping hazardous waste to Africa?

Author: Myers S.S.

In: Georgetown International Environmental Law Review | Vol. 4(2); 401 - 419; 19 p.

Publisher: Georgetown University Law Center | Washington, DC, USA | 1992

Literature | International

Keyword: Policy/planning, Waste disposal, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-047347)

Nigerian law and the toxic waste question: Another dimension of the limits of international law?

Author: Gye-Wado O.

In: Nigerian Journal of International Affairs | Vol. 16(2); 61 - 85; 25 p.

Publisher: The Nigerian Institute of International Affairs/ Vantage Publishers Int. Ltd. | Lagos, Nigeria | 1990

Literature | Nigeria

Keyword: Transboundary movement of waste, Hazardous waste, Hazardous substances

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-045913)

Note. Pesticides and precaution:The Bamako Convention as a model for an international convention on pesticides regulation

Author: Baender M.B.

In: New York University Journal of International Law and Politics | Vol. 24(1); 557 - 609; 52 p.

Publisher: New York University School of Law | New York, NY, USA | 1991

Literature | International

Keyword: Wild fauna, Pests/diseases, Integrated pest management-IPM/pest management strategies

Source: IUCN (ID: ANA-047721)