African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Revised Version) African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Author: IUCN Publisher: IUCN | Gland, Switzerland | 2008 Literature | International Keyword: Education, Capacity building, International agreement-implementation Source: IUCN (ID: MON-091609) La Convention africaine sur la conservation de la nature en vigueur mais non opérationnelle: l’urgence de convoquer la première Conférence des Parties Author: Mekouar M.A. Publisher: WCEL | www | 2018 Literature | International Keyword: International agreement-text, National implementation/transposal Source: IUCN (ID: MON-094336) African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Author: IUCN Publisher: IUCN | Gland, Switzerland | 2012 Literature | International Keyword: Capacity building, Governance, International agreement-implementation, Education Source: IUCN (ID: MON-091418) Ratification and implementation of the revised African Convention Author: IUCN Publisher: IUCN | Gland, Switzerland | 2004 Literature | International Keyword: Education, Capacity building, International agreement-implementation Source: IUCN (ID: MON-091810) Previous 1 Next